Taxonomy of meanings for 魏:  

  • 魏 wèi (OC: ŋɡuls MC: ŋʷɨi) 魚貴切 去 廣韻:【魏闕又州名夏觀扈之國春秋時晉地秦爲東郡隋爲武陽郡武德初平竇建德改置魏州亦姓本自周武王母弟受封於畢至畢萬仕晉封魏城後因氏焉出鉅鹿任城二望魚貴切二 】
  • 魏 wei2 《集韻》語韋切,平微疑。微部。音巍

    Additional information about 魏



      1. The current general word for acrobatics in WEISHU 魏書 is zá xì 雜戲.

      2. Current acrobatic acts include illusion arts, breathing fire, juggling upto nine objects in the air, jumping through narrow rings, stand on one's hands on a ball, tight-rope walking, climbing up a high pole (also on a moving cart), standing on one's hands on piles of tiles, keeping plates turning in mid-air, balancing complex objects on a pole placed on one's forehead. All these are abundantly illustrated on Han tiles.