
    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • NPpr : 4

    Attributions by text

    • 韓非子 : 2
    • 荀子 : 1
    • 戰國策 : 1


    張儀  zhāng yí OC: krlaŋ ŋral MC: ʈi̯ɐŋ ŋiɛ
    武信君  wǔ xìn jūn OC: mbaʔ sins klun MC: mi̯o sin ki̯un 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprOfficial Title: Ruler of Wǔ Xin4 武信君. Unger no. 30
    魏牟  wèi móu OC: ŋɡuls mu MC: ŋɨi mɨu
    魏公子牟  wèi gōng zǐ móu OC: ŋɡuls klooŋ sklɯʔ mu MC: ŋɨi kuŋ tsɨ mɨu
    公子牟  gōng zǐ móu OC: klooŋ sklɯʔ mu MC: kuŋ tsɨ mɨu 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 866
    卜皮  bǔ pí MC: puwk bje OC: pooɡ bralCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprDiviner Pí 卜皮 (fourth cent.), was the commander of a district in Wei 魏, and a contemporary of >King Hui of Wei 魏惠王 (r. 370 – 335) He is unattested outside HF 30.27.CH
    公叔痤  gōng shū cuó MC: kuwng syuwk dzwa OC: klooŋ qhljɯwɡ sɡoolCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprGōngshū Cuó 公叔痤 (d. 361) was prime minister in Wei 魏. When he was ill and was being asked to recommend a successor he recommended >Gongsun Yang 公孫鞅, thus launching one of the most important political careers in ancient China best known as the Lord of Shang 商君. [LSCQ 11.5; ZGC Wei 1; Zhang Jue 2000, p. 57, note 23]CH
    蒯聵  kuǎi kuì OC: khruuds ŋɡruuds MC: khɣɛi ŋɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Kuǎi/Kuài Wèi 蒯聵 (Born ca. 525) Unger no. 361
    魏咎  wèi jiù OC: ŋɡuls ɡlɯwʔ MC: ŋɨi gɨu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 864
    魏齊  wèi qí OC: ŋɡuls dziil MC: ŋɨi dzei 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 869
    魏無忌  wèi wú jì OC: ŋɡuls ma ɡɯs MC: ŋɨi mi̯o gɨ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 873
    魏太子申  wèi tài zǐ shēn OC: ŋɡuls thaads sklɯʔ lʰin MC: ŋɨi thɑi tsɨ ɕin 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 726

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