Taxonomy of meanings for 醉:  

  • 醉 zuì (OC: skuds MC: tsʷi) 將遂切 去 廣韻:【説文曰醉卒也各卒其度量不至於亂也將遂切二 】
    • DRUNK
      • nabstativedrunkenness
      • vadVfrom the state of drunkenness; in a drunken state
      • vibe drunk
      • viactact so as to get drunk
      • vichangeget drunk
      • vigradedbe drunk 甚醉
      • vtoNcausativemake (someone) drunk
      • vihaving drunk to one's satisfaction, but not necessarily drunkLZ
      • excessively>DRINK
          • generalised, causative: cause to drink, wetten>WET
            • causative: cause deities to drink>SACRIFICE
            • alcoholic, steeped in wine> LIQUOUR
            • generalised>CONFUSED

            Additional information about 醉

            說文解字: 【醉】,卒也。卒其度量,不至於亂也。 〔小徐本「卒其」上有「各」。〕 一曰:潰也。 〔小徐本作「酒潰也。」〕 从酉、从卒。 〔小徐本「卒」上無「从」。〕 【將遂切】 〔小徐本此字次於「䤎」字之後。〕

            • DRUNK

              1. The clearly dominant word referring to the process drinking a large amount of alcohol on a given occasion is zuì 醉 (ant. xǐng 醒 "become sober; be sober").

              2. Hān 酣 refers to tipsiness as the incipient stage of getting drunk.

              3. Chéng 酲 refers to the unpleasant state of a person who has got excessively drunk and feels ill.

              For dān 酖 and xù 酗 referring to a liking for alcohol, see ADDICTED