Taxonomy of meanings for 逾:  

  • 逾 yú (OC: lo MC: jio) 羊朱切 平 廣韻:【同逾 】
      • nautonymrefers to the word 踰 itself
      • vadNtransgressing, inappropriate, illicit
      • vtoNencroach upon; transgress against
      • vtoNgo across, cross over
    • OFFEND
      • viactcommit transgressions
      • vtoNgo against (one's ruler etc); go beyond (one's duties)
  • 逾 yú (OC: lo MC: jio) 羊朱切 平 廣韻:【越也羊朱切四十五 】
      • vtoNleap across (a wall etc), get across
      • vtoNpassivebe leapt across
      • vt+prep+Nfigurative"leap across" without taking proper notice of
      • vt+prep+Nleap over
    • MORE
      • vadVever more
      • vadV1.postadV2even more;
      • viactmake progress
      • vadVprogressivelyCH
      • VPtoNsurpass
      • vt+prep+Nsurpass
      • vt(oN)surpass; excel
      • vtoNsurpass > be greater than
    • WALK

      Additional information about 逾

      說文解字: 【逾】,𨒋進也。从辵、俞聲。《周書》曰:無敢昬逾。 〔小徐本「昬」 作「昏」。〕 【羊朱切】

      • LEAP OVER

        1. The general word for getting across an obstacle is perhaps guò 過, although the emphasis is not on the leap itself.

        2. Yuè 越 can refer to the action of jumping across something.

        3. Yú 踰 / 逾 refers to leaping over or scaling something, as for example a wall.

        4. Chāo 超 can refer to leaping up on or over something.

        5. Kuà 跨 is just to stride across something easy to get across.