Taxonomy of meanings for 輦:  

  • 輦 niǎn (OC: renʔ MC: liɛn) 力展切 上 廣韻:【人歩挽車又姓岀何氏姓苑力展切九 】

    Additional information about 輦

    說文解字: 【輦】,輓車也。从車,从㚘在車前引之。 〔小徐本「㚘」上無「从」,「之」下有「也」。〕 【力展切】


      1. The most general word for high class means of personal transport is perhaps xuān 軒, but see chē 車 in the more general VEHICLE.

      2. Niǎn 輦 refers to a man-drawn and man-held cart.

      3. Lù 輅 refers to a carriage for very high officials or even the Son of Heaven himself, typically drawn by four horses.

      4. Quán 輇 refers to a Han dynasty carriage with solid wooden wheels.

      5. Yáo 軺 refers to a convenient and fast small carriage drawn by one horse.

      6. Píng 軿 refers to a carriage especially designed for the transportation of distinguished women, with curtains on all sides.

      7. Wēn 轀 refers to a comfortable coach for long distance transportation.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: (CARRIAGE)車 / 車/VEHICLE The current general term for a vehicle is chē 車, a term which also refers even more generally to all contraptions with wheels