Taxonomy of meanings for 跡 / 迹:
- 跡 jì, (OC: sklaɡ MC: tsiɛk) 資昔切 入 廣韻:【足迹 】
- 跡 jì, (OC: sklaɡ MC: tsiɛk) 資昔切 入 廣韻:【同迹 】
- 跡 jì, (OC: ʔsljaaɡ ʔsleeɡ MC: tsiɛk) 資昔切 入 廣韻:【迹籀文 】
- 迹 jì, (OC: sklaɡ MC: tsiɛk) 資昔切 入 廣韻:【足迹 】
Additional information about 跡
- Criteria
1. The standard word for a footprint or even more abstractly of a trace left is jī 跡, which should be written with rad. 162.
2. Wǔ 武 refers to the footprint as a standard of length.
3. Zōng 蹤 refers literally to footprints.
1. The current general word for successful action on one's own behalf or on someone else's behalf is chéng 成 (ant. bài 敗 "fail to achieve; botch up").
2 The current general word for successfully completed action on one's own behalf or in one's own interest is dé 得 "manage to" (ant. shī 失 "fail in, get wrong" and ant.* bù néng 不能 "not manage to").
3. Zhì 至 refers to successful action on one's own behalf on a very high level.
4. Zhì 致 refers specifically to remarkable successful action, typically on others' behalf.
5. Lì 立 refers to successful action resulting in a lasting objective result of one's efforts.
6. Suì 遂 refers to eventual successful completion of something one has planned.
7. Gōng 功 refers to the achievement of something regarded as important to others. See MERIT.
8. Gōng jì 功跡 refers to achievements as leaving a lasting trace on the future.