Taxonomy of meanings for 距:  

  • 距 jù (OC: ɡaʔ MC: ɡiɔ) 其吕切 上 廣韻:【同距 】
  • 距 jù (OC: ɡaʔ MC: ɡiɔ) 其吕切 上 廣韻:【雞距 】
    • HEEL
      • nheel
    • HINDER
      • vtoNstave off; block and keep away, hinder and keep at a distance
    • JUMP
      • viactleap, jump up
    • OPPOSE
      • vtoNoppose and keep at bay
    • REFUSE
      • vtoNpassivebe pushed aside, get opposed
      • vtoNreject; push asideDS
    • SPURS
      • nspurs on a fighting cock (ZUO)
    • FOOT
      • BLADE
        • HOOK
          • REMNANT
          • FROM
            • REACH
              • PILLAR
                • SIT
                  • FLOWER
                    • CALLIGRAPHY
                      • STOP
                        • = 拒
                        • = 巨
                        • = 詎
                      • LONG
                        • vi= 巨 be large/longCH

                      Additional information about 距

                      說文解字: 【距】,雞距也。从足、巨聲。 【其呂切】

                      • HINDER

                        1. The current general word for putting obstacles in the way of something or someone is zǔ 阻 (ant. zhù 助 "help"). See also BLOCK

                        2. Jǔ 沮 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage") refers to failing to support someone else and dissuading him from pursuing an intended course of action.

                        3. Zhàng 障 refers to putting a permanent hindrance in the way of something.

                        4. Ài 礙 refers to an action designed to prevent another action, but the word gained currency quite late.

                        5. Jù 距 / 拒 refers to an action designed to counteract another action that has been undertaken.