Taxonomy of meanings for 諧:  

  • 諧 xié (OC: ɡriid MC: ɦɯæi) 戶皆切 平 廣韻:【和也合也調也偶也戸皆切九 】
      • vibe unruffled and unperturbed, be smooth
      • vtoNcausativecause to be harmonious
      • nabequanimity; calm assuranceCH
    • JOKE
      • n齊諧 "the tall tales that put all on a par": loose talk
      • viactmake pleasantries, create loose talk
      • v[adN]jocular [talk]CH
    • MOCK
      • viactengage in mild mockery; be humorous
      • CONTRACT
        • JUXTAPOSE
          • DISTINGUISH

            Additional information about 諧

            說文解字: 【諧】,詥也。从言、皆聲。 【戶皆切】

            • CONTRARY

              1. The current word for being logically or practically opposed to something else is fǎn 反 (ant. tóng 同 "agree with, go along with").

              2. Guāi 乖 refers to any kind of practical contradiction or opposition, also opposition to what is current and acceptable. See WICKED

              2. Bèi 悖 (ant. xié 諧 "be in harmony with, be perfectly consistent with") refers quite abstractly to logical incoherence or inconsistency.

              3.Hài 害 (ant. yì 益 "further strengthen the point") is a term for logical inconsistency.

              4. Xiāng gōng 相攻 and bù xiāng róng 不相容 are technical terms referring to logical incompatibility.

              NB: Shuǐ huǒ 水火 is late post-Buddhist and refers vividly to a practical incompatibility.

            • MOCK

              1. The most general word for mockery is cháo 嘲, but this word is exceedingly rare in pre-Buddhist literature.

              2. Jī 譏 adds an element of criticism to that of mockery.

              3. Xiào 笑 refers to non-verbalised mockery through sneering.

              4. Nòng 弄 adds the nuance of practical teasing to that of mockery.

              5. Tíáo 調, huī 詼, and xié 諧 refer to teasing mild mockery.

            • JOKE

              1. The most current general word is perhaps xì 戲 "be less than serious". 戲耳 "I was just joking".

              2. Xié 諧 refers to playfulness in the making up of stories.

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (HARMONY)合/CONFORM Zhōu 周 and hé 合 (all ant. fǎn 反 "go against the model") refer to complete all-round conformity construed as overall identification with a model.