Taxonomy of meanings for 誨:  

  • 誨 huì (OC: hmɯɯs MC: huoi) 荒內切 去 廣韻:【教訓也荒内切十一 】
    • TEACH
      • nabactteaching
      • vadNinstructive 誨言 "instructive words"
      • viprovide teaching, moral admonishment
      • vtoNgive instruction; teach
      • vtoNpassivebe properly taught
      • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2teach the contextually determinate N1 to N2
      • vttoN.+V[0]pivotteach someone to do something 誨女知之“I‘ll teach you how to understand things."
      • vttoN1.+N2teach (someone N1) (the art of N2)
      • vttoN1+.vtoN2teach (someone) (something) 誨之以忠
    • SEDUCE

        Additional information about 誨

        說文解字: 【誨】,曉敎也。从言、每聲。 【荒內切】

        • TEACH

          1. The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.

          2. Huì 誨 (ant. xí 習 "study persistently") refers to systematic and persistent efforts to teach and inculcate intellectual or practical skills ( 誨之琴 "taught him to play the zither") and moral understanding of students ( 誨女知之 "I will teach you so you understand"), and the word never implies coercion or any threat of force. Huì 誨 can be mutual, or refer to equals teaching equals, even subordinates teaching superiors 諫誨 "remonstrate with and instruct". The word is not commonly nominalised. The primary aim of huì 誨 is understanding.

          3. Huà 化 refers to successful disciplining and teaching, typically on a large social scale. See INFLUENCE

          4. Qǐ 啟 and fā 發 refer to the opening up of new intellectual and moral dimensions for others.

          5. Xùn 訓 refers in a rather abstract way to formal strict instruction and training aimed primarily at professional skill.

          6. Zhào 詔 refers to instruction by means of useful information or warning.

          7. Fēng 風 is occasionally used to refer to teaching by example.

          8. Liàn 練 refers specifically to military training and only occasionally to other forms of drill.

          9. Dào 道 refers to the content of what is taught, and is largely restricted to postnominal position, as in 儒道 "Confucian teaching".

          Word relations
        • Conv: (TEACH)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.
        • Result: (TEACH)知/UNDERSTAND The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea")
        • Assoc: (TEACH)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.
        • Assoc: (TEACH)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.
        • Assoc: (TEACH)訓/TEACH Xùn 訓 refers in a rather abstract way to formal strict instruction and training aimed primarily at professional skill.
        • Assoc: (TEACH)諫/REMONSTRATE The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.
        • Synon: (TEACH)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.