Taxonomy of meanings for 誘:  

  • 誘 yòu (OC: luʔ MC: jiu) 與久切 上 廣韻:【導也引也教也進也説文曰相誅呼也 】
    • CHEAT
      • vtoNdeceive, cheat; delude
      • vtoNencourage and guide
      • vttoN.+V[0]persuade N to do the contextually determinate thing V
    • SEDUCE
      • vt+V[0]passivebe enticed to V
      • vtoNentice, seduce; cajole; misguide; entrap by cajoling
      • vtoNpassivebe seduced, enticed by
      • vt+prep+Npassivebe seduced by, be enticed byVK
    • LEAD
      • CHEAT
        • vtoNdeceive, cheat; delude
      • 誘 yòu (OC: luʔ MC: jiu) 與久切 上 廣韻:【誘同並見説文 】
      • 誘 yòu (OC: luʔ MC: jiu) 與久切 上 廣韻:【誘同並見説文 】

        Additional information about 誘

        說文解字: 【𦲃(㕗) 】、相訹呼也。从厶、从羑。 〔小徐本「羑」上無「從」字 【與久切】 【誘】,或从言、秀。 【䛻】、或如此。 【𦮖(羑)】,古文。 【臣鉉等案:羊部有羑,羑,進善也。此古文重出。】

        • SEDUCE

          1. The current general word for enticement is yòu 誘.

          2. Gǔ 蠱 refers to enticement through bewitching.

          Word relations
        • Object: (CHEAT)君/RULER Jūn 君 (ant. chén 臣 "minister") refers specifically to someone who is politically or administratively in charge of others as a ruler.