Taxonomy of meanings for 裾:  

  • 裾 jū (OC: ka MC: kiɔ) 九魚切 平 廣韻:【衣裾 】
    • COLLAR
      • nadNwith broad collar
      • nbottom of a dress, lower end of a dress ???
    • BIG

      Additional information about 裾

      說文解字: 【裾】,衣袍也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从衣、居聲。讀與居同。 【九魚切】 〔小徐本此字次於「褰」字之後。〕

      • COLLAR

        1. The current general word for a collar is lǐng 領.

        2. Jīn 衿/襟 and rèn 衽 refer specifically to the lapels which normally cross in front of the chest.

        3. Jū 裾 is very rare and refers to broad lapels in the one example I have found.