Taxonomy of meanings for 訴:  

  • 訴 sù (OC: sqlaaɡs MC: suo) 桑故切 去 廣韻:【訟也毀也説文作𧩯告也桑故切十五 】
    • ACCUSE
      • vtoNmake a complaint against someone concerning an injustice one has suffered from that person
      • nabactcomplaint, accusation
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2accuse or malign (someone N1) in front of (someone else N2) 訴公於晉侯 "accuse the Duke in front of the Lord of Jìn"
      • vt+prep+Nraise accusations in the presence of
      • vtoNobject=courtmake accusations before
      • nabactcomplaint
      • vtoNmake complaints against
      • vtoNobject=audiencemake a complaint to
      • vt+prep+Ncomplain to N
      • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2complain about the contextually determinate matter N1 to N2
      • vt(oN)complain about a contextually determinate NDS
      • SLANDER
        • REFUSE
          • REQUEST

            Additional information about 訴


            • ACCUSE







              1. The most current general word for accusing someone of something with either good or evil intent is zé 責.

              [GENERAL], [NEUTRAL]

              2. Sù 訴 refers to an informal accusation from the party that maintains it has suffered injustice, and this word became current in Han times.

              [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

              3. Zuì 罪 typically refers to a superior or king raising criminal charges against someone under his jurisdiction, but occasionally the word is used in an extended way to refer to strong criticism offered by anyone with authority.


              4. Hé 劾 refers to formal impeachment and the starting of formal criminal proceedings against a culprit, and the accuser in this case tends to be a person of some social standing, normally of high bureaucratic status; in Han times hé 劾 refers to the passing judgment after such a formal procedure.


              5. Qiǎn 譴 refers to formal more or less serious accusations against officials raised by anyone, including ordinary persons.

              [ASCENDING], [INTENSE], [OFFICIAL]

              6. Wū 誣 is occasionally used for making false formal accusations against some person, and the word may even refer to false self-incrimination.

              [FALSE], [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

              7. Zèn 譖 refers generally to slanderous attacks, and sometimes - imperceptibly - the word can refer to something more like slanderous accusations. But the distinctions always seems to remain unclear. See SLANDER.

              [FALSE], [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

              8. Kòng 控 occasionally refers to a formal complaint directed against the authorities.

              [ASCENDING], [OFFICIAL]

              9. Ga4o 告 commonly refers to the making of public complaints and accusations.

            • COMPLAIN

              1. The current general word for complaint is sù 訴.

              2. Gào 告 refers to an inferior complaining to a superior.

              NB: Yuān 冤 refers to an injustice suffered, but not to a complaint about it.

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (ACCUSE)告/COMPLAIN Gào 告 refers to an inferior complaining to a superior.