Taxonomy of meanings for 蟲:  

  • 蟲 chóng (OC: ɡrluŋ MC: ɖiuŋ) 直弓切 平 廣韻:【爾雅曰有足曰蟲無足曰豸又姓漢功臣表有曲成侯蟲進 】
    • ANIMAL
      • nanimals (general); the animal (of the season etc)
      • INSECTS
        • nworm; insect; maggot
        • nadNcaused by insects
    • 蟲 zhòng (OC: ɡrluŋs MC: ɖiuŋ) 直衆切 去 廣韻:【蟲食物又音冲或作蚛 】
      • (of insects: sting or bite)INJURE
      • 蟲 tong2《集韻》徒冬切,平冬定。冬部。
        • (sear)HOT
          • vi.redintensitivebe blazing hot

      Additional information about 蟲

      說文解字: 【蟲】,有足謂之蟲,無足謂之豸。从三虫。凡蟲之屬皆从蟲。 【直弓切】

      • ANIMAL




        1. Chóng 蟲 is sometimes referred to animals of any kind, and not only to insect-like creatures.


        2. The current general word for an animal of any kind would appear to be qín shòu 禽獸, although this word definitely excludes snails, insects, snakes and the like.

        [CURRENT], [GENERAL]

        3. Niǎo shòu 鳥獸 refers specifically to all birds and beasts.


        4. Wù 物 is sometimes used to refer to what in Christian parlance are "creatures" of any kind. See CREATURE

        [ARCHAIC?], [GENERAL]; [[RARE]]

        5. Dòng wù 動物 refers quite generally to all animals as opposed to plants and inanimate creatures, but the word is really a technical term and is rarely used.

        [GENERAL], [TECHNICAL]; [[RARE]]

      • WORM

        蟲 refers to worms in the intestines.

        Word relations
      • Epithet: (INSECTS)毒/POISON The current general word for poison is dú 毒.
      • Epithet: (INSECTS)蟄/SLEEP Zhé 蟄 is to hibernate.
      • Epithet: (INSECTS)飛 / 蜚/FLY The dominant word in this group is fēi 飛 which usually refers to the flying in a certain direction.
      • Assoc: (INSECTS)螟/INSECTS