Taxonomy of meanings for 育:  

  • 育 yù (OC: luɡ MC: jiuk) 余六切 入 廣韻:【養也長也余六切二十四 】
    • BIRTH
      • viactgive birth to a child YI: 婦孕不育 if women get pregnant but do not get to give birth and bring up children
      • vtoNmiddle voice: be born
      • viprocreateLZ
    • REAR
      • vadNpassivefed 不育之物 "creatures that are not properly nourished"
      • vt[oN]produce crops
      • vtoNfoster; raise and bring up from birth; cater well for
      • vtoNfigurativefoster; cause to develop properly
      • vtoNpassivebe nurtured; be raised; be properly nurtured
    • TEACH
      • vtoNbring up morally and intellectually
    • GROW
      • SUCCEED
          • SURNAMES

            Additional information about 育

            說文解字: 【育】,養子使作善也。从𠫓、肉聲。《虞書》曰:敎育子。 【徐鍇曰:𠫓,不順子也。不順子亦敎之,況順者乎!】 【余六切】 【毓】,育或从每。

            • BIRTH





              1. Shēng 生 (ant. sǐ 死 "die") is a colourless general word for the fact of being delivered of offspring or for engendering offspring, and the word also has many derived and related meanings.

              [FACT], [+FIG], [GENERAL]; [[COMMON+]]

              2. Chǎn 產 can focus on the physical process of birth alone, but the word can connote the act of rearing or even breeding. See REAR.

              [LITERAL], [PROCESS]; [[COMMON]]

              3. Zì 字 is a rare very archaic word referring to the production of offspring.

              [ARCHAIC], [LITERAL]; [[RARE]]

              4. Yù 育 is a rare fairly archaic word for giving birth to and rearing offspring.

              [ARCHAIC], [LITERAL], [PROCESS]

              5. Rǔ 乳 viewS the act of giving birth as immediately preceding and linked to the feeding of what one has given birth to.

              [LITERAL], [MARGINAL], [PROCESS]; [[RARE]]

              4. Sū 穌 "be born again" belongs to the realm of religious discourse.

              [SPECIFIC]; [[RARE]]

            • REAR

              1. The current general word for rearing and/or breeding is yù 育, which can refer to animals as well as occasionally to humans, and the word belongs to a dignified stylistic layer.

              2. Xù 畜 refers primarily to the breeding of livestock, but is also used for humans under one's control and below one's status.

              3. Yǎng 養 refers primarily to the caring for and nourishing of one's parents, children or other humans one feels caring sympathy for and is only occasionally used for non-humans, although it does apply to plants like mulberry trees that need much care.

            • OPPRESS

              1. The most common general word for oppression is probably nŸè 虐 (ant. cí 慈 "show loving care for").

              2. Bào 暴 (ant. fǔ 撫 "care well for") emphasises the aspect of violence.

              3. Líng 陵 (ant. yù 育 "take loving care of", and the rare jí 藉, and chéng 乘 emphasise the abuse of supremacy of social or political position.

              Word relations
            • Contrast: (REAR)長/GROW The current general term for growth is zhǎng 長.
            • Assoc: (TEACH)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.
            • Synon: (REAR)養/REAR Yǎng 養 refers primarily to the caring for and nourishing of one's parents, children or other humans one feels caring sympathy for and is only occasionally used for non-humans, although it does apply to plants like mulberry trees that need much care.