Taxonomy of meanings for 析:  

  • 析 xī (OC: seeɡ MC: sek) 先擊切 入 廣韻:【分也字從木斤破木也又爾雅曰析木謂之津注云即漢津也亦姓風俗通云齊大夫析歸父 】
  • 析 xī (OC: seeɡ MC: sek) 先擊切 入 廣韻:【俗析 】

    Additional information about 析

    說文解字: 【析】,破木也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 一曰:折也。从木、从斤。 〔小徐本作「從木、斤聲。」在「一曰」之前。唐寫本木部殘卷作「從斤。一曰:折。」〕 【先激切】

    • DIVIDE

      1. The most current general word for physically diving things into separate parts is fēn 分 (ant. yī 一 "treat as one undivided whole, to unite") and this word may refer to destroying the unity of what is being divided.

      2. Bié 別 (ant. tóng 同 "treat as the same, treat the same way") is to separate physically what can be separated out without interfering with integrity of the things separated. ( 別男女 "separate men from women")

      3. Xī 析 is to split and divide what is naturally unsplit and undivided.

      4. Lí 離 (ant. hé 合 "combine into one") is to keep apart what naturally is apart.

    • RED

      1. The most general word for "red" is probably chì 赤.

      2. Zhū 朱 is deep red.

      3. Dān 丹 is mild cinnabar red.

      4. Jiàng 絳 is very deep shiny red.

      5. Hóng 紅 is whitish red or pink.

      1. SEE 符淮青,詞義的分析和描寫 240ff


      1. The current general word is biàn 辨, sometimes also written 辯.

      2. The deliberate establishment of distinctions is bié 別 or pàn 判.

      3. Jué 決 is the concrete process by which one decides whether an established distinction obtains or does not obtain in a concrete case.

      4. Xī 析 is to make a set of relevant distinctions on a given subject.

      5. Yì 異 can be used putatively for "consider to be different" in theorising discourse.

      6. Fèn 分 refers to the results of the deliberate establishment of distinctions, and to the making of such distinctions.

    • SPLIT

      1. The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

      2. Pī 劈 / 辟 as well as the archaic s � 1 斯 refer to a violent act of cleaving or hacking to pieces.

      3. Liè 裂 refers to any process which results in the cleaving of an object and focusses on that result rather than the process itself.

      4.. Pī 披 is to split open without necessarily dividing the object of splitting into two separate parts.

      5. Xī 析 is a mild act of dividing a thing, typically into its proper constituent parts, or separating off constituent parts (often for analysis).