The character 數 has not been analyzed yet.  

  • cù 反切: ; 聲調: ; 廣韻:【Added by dsehnal at 2021-06-11 】
    • SMALL
  • shù 反切: 色句; 聲調: 去; 廣韻:【筭數周禮有九數方田粟米差分少廣商功均輸方程贏不足旁要也丗本曰隷首作數又色矩色角二切又音速 】
    • POWER
    • FATE
    • METHOD
    • NUMBER
  • shǔ 反切: ; 聲調: 上 ; 廣韻:【説文計也所矩切又所句所角二切二 】
    • LIST
    • MANY
    • COUNT
    • BLAME
  • shuò 反切: 所角; 聲調: 入; 廣韻:【頻數 】
    • WORK
    • OFTEN
    • QUICK
    • VISIT

Additional information about 數



    1. The current general word for high frequency of an event within a certain period of time is shuò 數 " several times in a row" (xī 希 "rarely").

    2. Lu# 屢 "quite a few times" (ant. hǎn 罕 "very seldom") indicates that an event has many precursors similar to it in the past, and the word does not emphasise the high frequency.

    3. Qì 亟 and pín 頻 "very often" (ant.* ǒu 偶 "on and off") are probably more intensitive than shuò 數.

    4. Zòu 驟 "repeatedly, within a short period of time" (ant. shū 疏 "at long intervals") is more temporary in nature.

    5. Cháng 常 (ant. xiǎn 鮮 "quite rarely, in the natural course of events") refers to fequency as a symptom of something being ordinary and only to be expected.

    6. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "a few times, few times") is a colourless word indicating that something is of generally frequent occurrence.


    1. The current standard word for counting is shǔ 數.

    2. Kuài 會 is typically large scale calculation in accountancy.

    3. Jì 計 is typically calculation ultimately considered as part of a future strategy.

    4. Yuè 閱 and jiǎn 簡 refers to counting as part of making a quantified survey of something.

    NB: Suàn 算 refers to the carrying out of arithmetic as a mathematical operation, and this is more complicated than plain counting. As a technical mathematical term the word is pre-Buddhist. See CALCULATE

  • MANY

    1. The dominant word referring to numerousness and a large quantity of a stuff is duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 ).

    2. Zhòng 眾 (ant. guǎ 寡 "few") and zhū 諸 refer to a large number of items of a certain kind.

    3. Shù 庶 (ant. shǎo 少 "few") refers to a large number of typically animate and preferably human beings.

    4. Fēn 紛 and the rarer yún yún 紜紜 refer to a confusing assembly of many things.

    5. Shù 數 (ant.* dú 獨 "the only one" or * dān 單 ) refers to a fairly large number of things of a specified kind.

    6. Fán 繁 refers to a large number of proliferating things.

    7. Zhēng 烝 is a poetic word characterising the large size of a population.









    1. The current general word for declaring someone morally rather than criminally responsible for a misdeed is jiù 咎 (ant. yù 譽 "praise").


    2. Shǔ 數 refers to the recounting and publicly recounting and listing up of the misdeeds or mistakes someone has made.


    3. Zé 責 (ant. chēng 稱 "praise someone for something") often refers to the public apportioning of blame without the threat of legal action. [see ACCUSE]


    4. Ràng 讓 (ant. zàn 贊 "commend strongly, in public") refers to strong public blame and abuse.


    5. Qiào 誚 refers to a strong and often abusive public reprimand.


    5. Yóu 尤 often refers to official blame and censure, but there are archaic generalised uses of the word where it simply means "to apportion blame for something".


    6. Jí 疾 (ant. měi 美 "praise the splendid qualities of someone") refers to strong personal stricture.


    7. Guò 過 (ant. yù 譽 ) typically refers to a mild and/or subjective moral disagreement with someone. See MISTAKE


  • FATE

    1. The current word referring to what is fated, determined or decreed by Heaven, and thus invested with unquestionable moral or metaphysical authority is mìng 命, sometimes expanded to tiān mìng 天命.

    2. Shù 數 construes fate as something which can be ascertained by the relevant specialists of prognostication.


    1. The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".

    2. Quán 權 refers to one's political leverage or one's formal position of power.

    3. Wèi 位 refers to the formal and official (usually very high) position one has in a hierarchy, but the word is occasionally also used as a general term referring to any station in life. See RANK.

    4. Zhòng 重 refers to the actual political influence a person may have.

    5. Shù 數 refers to a complex constellation of power as an object of assessment.

    6. Shén 神 is occasionally used to refer to a supernatural or divinely sanctioned authority or political efficacy of a person.

    7. Yán 嚴 refers to the formidable quality of power growing from real authority.

  • RARE

    1. The current general word for seldom is hǎn 罕 (ant. lu# 屢 "fairly often), which tends to refer to a very low fequency of occurrence of something.

    2. Xiǎn 鮮 (ant. cháng 常 "frequently, in the natural course of events") refer to a dramatic degree of scarcity.

    3. Xī 希 / 稀 (ant. shuò 數 "repeatedly, many times, several times") refers to relative scarcity or sparseness both in time and in space.

    4. Shǎo 少 (ant. duō 多 "often") is a colourless word frequently used to indicate non-specifically that something is not often seen.

    Word relations
  • Contrast: (CALCULATE)度/CALCULATE The engineering, bureaucratic, and generally technical terms for quantified precise calculation of measurements of any kind are dù 度 and liáng 量.
  • Contrast: (METHOD)術/METHOD The most general word for method or technique is shù 術, and the professional technique here referred is typically publicly accessible.
  • Contrast: (CALCULATE)計/CALCULATE The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.
  • Contrast: (METHOD)道/METHOD Dào 道 is a way of being, of functioning, as well as a way of doing things, and this Way may be either exoteric or esoteric.
  • Assoc: (OFTEN)亟/OFTEN Qì 亟 and pín 頻 "very often" (ant.* ǒu 偶 "on and off") are probably more intensitive than shuò 數.
  • Assoc: (METHOD)法/METHOD Fǎ 法 is a regular rule-governed procedure governing the proper exercise of a skill.
  • Synon: (METHOD)術/METHOD The most general word for method or technique is shù 術, and the professional technique here referred is typically publicly accessible.
  • Synon: (CALCULATE)計/CALCULATE The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.