Taxonomy of meanings for 愍:  

  • 愍 mǐn (OC: mrinʔ MC: mɯin) 眉殞切 上 廣韻:【悲也憐也眉殞切十四 】
    • SAD
      • nsorrow
      • vipoetic: feel pain and sorrow about
      • vtoNfeel sad about
      • v-p.adVverb followed and modified by a suffix, that whose expression preceding and modifying a main verbCH
      • vtoNPab{S}stativefeel pity about the fact that S
      • vadNpitiful
      • nabpsychcommiseration, feelings of sympathy for those in distress
      • vt[oN]actfeel sympathy for others
      • DELETEdeserve sympathy> be miserable, be pitiful
      • v-V1.adV2pitifully
      • vtoNab{S}feel sympathy in the face of the situation that S
      • vtoNbe compassionate with; feel compassion for
      • vt(oN)feel sympathy for the contextually determinate N
      • vtoNgradedbe sympathised with 甚可愍
      • CARE FOR
        • EFFORT

          Additional information about 愍

          說文解字: 【愍】,痛也。从心、敃聲。 【睂殞切】