Taxonomy of meanings for 坑:  

  • 坑 kēng (OC: khraaŋ MC: kʰɯaŋ) 客庚切 平 廣韻:【同阬 】
    • BURY
      • nabactmass burial in a ditch
      • vtoNbury alive in a pit 坑儒生
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe buried in a ditch
      • vtoNbury alive
    • PIT
      • ndeep hole in the ground, deep puddle; cave; cavern
      • nstorage pit 飯坑
    • VALLEY
      • na natural low-lying hole-like structure where water might naturally gather
    • MINE
      • INJURE
        • CONCEAL
          • TOILET
            • SURNAMES
              • = 岡

              Additional information about 坑


              • BURY

                1. Mái 埋 is the very general word for concrete interment, the placing of any object in the ground by digging a whole for it.

                2. The general word for human burial and funeral arrangements is zàng 葬. For the ritual aspects of funeral practice the standard word is sāng 喪. See MOURNING

                3. Bìn 殯 is a formal ritual term referring to the placing of a dead person in a coffin.

                4. Shōu 收 is a formal ritual term for preparing a dead person for formal burial.

                5. Yì 瘞 is a formal ritual term sometimes referring to preliminary or informal burial, but more regularly to the sacrificial burial of gifts for the deceased.

                6. Kēng 坑 is the burying of one or more persons alive, as punishment, or as an emergency burial of large numbers of persons. See EXECUTE

                7. Fù 祔 refers in a formal and technical way to the current practice of burying a person in the same grave as someone else, and to the ritual of placing the name tablet of the deceased next to that of someone with whom he was to be ritual associated.

                8. Gǎi zàng 改葬 refers to ritual reburial.

                9. Sì 肂 is a rare technical term for "preliminary burial".

                10. Biǎn 窆 is a rare technical term for "lower into the grave".

                11. Diàn 奠 refers to the sacrifice before the enterment of the body. See SACRIFICE

              • PIT

                1. The current general word for a fairly large hole in the ground is kēng 坑.

                2. Kū 窟 refers to an artificial cavity large enough to serve as a habitat for humans.

                3. Jiào 窖/窌 refers to a pit usually designed for storage of grain.

                4. Jǐng 阱 is a hole in the ground -typically like a well- designed as a trap.

                5. Kǎn 坎/埳 is any hole in the ground designed as a trap.

                NB:. Huò 壑 refers to a large abyss or crevice and is marginal to this group because it is not man-made.

              • EXECUTE

                1. The current general term for legal execution of a person condemned to death is zhū 誅.

                2. Lù 戮 refers to public and often even summary execution.

                3. Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.

                4. Zú 族 refers to legal execution of the whole clan of a culprit.

                5. Dà pì 大辟 is the bureaucratic legal term for capital punishment.

                6. Qì shì 棄市 refers to public execution in the market place.

                7. Jiǎo 絞 "strangulation"

                8. Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"

                9. Fēn chǐ 分胣 "cutting up and disembowelling"

                10. Kēng 坑 "burying alive"

                11. Chē liè 車列 "tearing apart between two vehicles"

                12. Zhī jiě 肢解 "dismembering"

                13. Fǔ 脯 "cutting into slices"

                14. Hǎi 醢 "cutting into small pieces"

                15. Zū 菹 "making into minced meat". See also BEHEAD.

                Word relations
              • Assoc: (PIT)坎/PIT Kǎn 坎/埳 is any hole in the ground designed as a trap.