        • OBJECT[NO HYPERNYM.] WHAT one CAN NAME:refer to....
See also
    Old Chinese Criteria
    1. Zàng 藏 is an abstract term referring to a repository of any kind.

    2. Kù 庫 is a storehouse designed for weapons and the like. According to SHUOWEN this was used to store weapons, but from other Han texts it is obvious that could be also used to store other things.

    3. Fǔ 府 is a building housing archives as well as other government supplies and precious objects.

    4. Lǐn 廩 refers to a large square granary. This was used to store grain or rice without husk and was usually smaller but more complicated than cāng 倉. It perhaps had airing chimneys for fresh air.

    5. Qūn 囷 refers to a small round granary with a pictoresque round roof. [Mentioned already in SHIJING. That the word really referred to the round granary is confirmed by Han model of a round granary inscribed with word qūn 囷. Wall of this granary was probably of mud.

    6. Jiào 窌 refers to an artificial cave used for storing grain. This was probably the earliest method of storing, but still in use by Han period. Note that many oracle bones of the Shang dynasty were found in pits which could serve to store them. Presumably, these were jiào 窖/窌.

    7. Jiào 窖 refers to an artificial cave typically used for storing grain, and the word being homophonous with the preceding it would appear that these are just two variant written forms of the same word.

    8. Cāng 倉 refers to the large granary of rectangular shape for storing grain with a husk. The word occurs already in SHIJING, but the actual shape and size of cāng 倉 in this period is unknown; it could be only general word for a granary of any size. In Han times, cāng 倉 was usually large and built on a platform of rammed earth.

    9. Tún 囤 in Han times refers to the simple round storage container made of bamboo mats fixed to the construction of wooden pillars.

    10. Yǔ 庾 refers to the granary which is sometimes mentioned together with lǐn 廩 or cāng 倉 (for the first time in SHIJING); remains unclear.

    11. Jīng 京 can also refer to the granary. According to SHUOWEN it was of a rectangular shape, but Han models bearing this name are round.















    TRADE 15. FOOD





    囤,上小下大、竹席圍成的圓形儲糧穀倉。蛂 A 草編的圓形小儲穀倉。庾,露天的臨時簡易穀倉。廥,儲藏芻稿之所。

    Modern Chinese Criteria














    rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • n : 46
    • NP : 25
    • NP{N1&N2} : 18
    • NP{N1=N2} : 14
    • NPab : 7
    • nab : 2
    • NPpr : 1
    • vi : 1
    • n{PLACE}adV : 1

    Attributions by text

    • 韓非子 : 31
    • 荀子 : 12
    • 春秋左傳 : 11
    • 管子 : 11
    • 孟子 : 6
    • 祖堂集 : 5
    • 說苑 : 4
    • 淮南子 : 4
    • 賢愚經 : 4
    • 墨子 : 3
    • 臨濟錄 : 3
    • 戰國策 : 3
    • 史記 : 3
    • 呂氏春秋 : 2
    • 妙法蓮華經 : 2
    • 文子 : 2
    • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
    • 搜神記 : 1
    • 公孫龍子 : 1
    • 論語 : 1
    • 論衡 : 1
    • 鹽鐵論 : 1
    • 老子 : 1
    • 晏子春秋 : 1
    • 法言 : 1


    府庫  fǔ kù OC: poʔ khlaas MC: pi̯o khuo̝ 18 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NP{N1&N2}pluraltreasuries and arsenals
      fǔ OC: poʔ MC: pi̯o 16 AttributionsWD

    Fǔ 府 is a building housing archives as welll as other government supplies and precious objects.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 倉/STOREHOUSE Cāng 倉 refers to the large granary of rectangular shape for storing grain with a husk. The word occurs already in SHIJING, but the actual shape and size of cāng 倉 in this period is unknown; it could be only general word for a granary of any size. In Han times, cāng 倉 was usually large and built on a platform of rammed earth.
    • Contrast: 庫/STOREHOUSE Kù 庫 is a storehouse designed for weapons and the like. According to SHUOWEN this was used to store weapons, but from other Han texts it is obvious that could be also used to store other things.
    • Assoc: 庫/STOREHOUSE Kù 庫 is a storehouse designed for weapons and the like. According to SHUOWEN this was used to store weapons, but from other Han texts it is obvious that could be also used to store other things.

      Syntactic words
    • npublic storehouse for non-military supplies and valuables; treasury; specifically: archive
    • nderivedgovernment archive; administative archiveCH
    • nfigurativerepository (for something abstract); aresenal 天府
    倉廩  cāng lǐn OC: skhaaŋ b-rɯmʔ MC: tshɑŋ lim 15 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralthe storehouses/granaries of all kinds
    倉庫  cāng kù OC: skhaaŋ khlaas MC: tshɑŋ khuo̝ 10 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralstorehouses
      cāng OC: skhaaŋ MC: tshɑŋ 8 AttributionsWD

    Cāng 倉 refers to the large granary of rectangular shape for storing grain with a husk. The word occurs already in SHIJING, but the actual shape and size of cāng 倉 in this period is unknown; it could be only general word for a granary of any size. In Han times, cāng 倉 was usually large and built on a platform of rammed earth.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 府/STOREHOUSE Fǔ 府 is a building housing archives as welll as other government supplies and precious objects.
    • Assoc: 廩/STOREHOUSE Lǐn 廩 refers to a large square granary. This was used to store grain or rice without husk and was usually smaller but more complicated than cāng 倉. It perhaps had airing chimneys for fresh air.
    • Assoc: 囷/STOREHOUSE Qūn 囷 refers to a small round granary with a pictoresque round roof. [Mentioned already in SHIJING. That the word really referred to the round granary is confirmed by Han model of a round granary inscribed with word qūn 囷. Wall of this granary was probably of mud.

    • 漢代の文物 Kandai no bunbutsu ( HAYASHI 1976) p. {p. 62, tab. 4-10}

    • () p. 207 - 208 {52-1, 52-5}

    • [100 page synonym dictionary which I have in Oslo and shall identify.CH] ( XIANG 1997) p. 46

      Syntactic words
    • ngeneral: oblong granary for all kinds of grain or other food supplies
    • viactto be engaged in storing in granaries
      lǐn OC: b-rɯmʔ MC: lim 7 AttributionsWD

    Lǐn 廩 refers to a large square granary. This was used to store grain or rice without husk and was usually smaller but more complicated than cāng 倉. It perhaps had airing chimneys for fresh air.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 倉/STOREHOUSE Cāng 倉 refers to the large granary of rectangular shape for storing grain with a husk. The word occurs already in SHIJING, but the actual shape and size of cāng 倉 in this period is unknown; it could be only general word for a granary of any size. In Han times, cāng 倉 was usually large and built on a platform of rammed earth.

    • 漢代の文物 Kandai no bunbutsu ( HAYASHI 1976) p. {4-12???}

    • () p. 207 - 208 {52-2}

      Syntactic words
    • nlarge square granary for rice with 氣窗 "airing 'chimneys' with roofs" on top for ensuring fresh air; decoy supply of rice and grain to attract birds which one can then shoot
    • n{PLACE}adVfrom one's storehouse
      zàng OC: sɡaaŋs MC: dzɑŋ 7 AttributionsWD

    Zàng 藏 is an abstract term referring to a repository of any kind.

      Syntactic words
    • nrepository
    • nabbuddhistBUDDH: storehouse (of qualities, mental seeds, Buddhist scriptures, etc.; sometimes also directly referring to the storehouse-consciousness 臧識) (in the Buddhist context sometimes also translated as 'matrix' or 'embryo')
    • nderivedcontents of the storehouse
    正法眼藏  zhèng fǎ yǎn zàng OC: tjeŋs pab ŋɡrɯɯnʔ sɡaaŋs MC: tɕiɛŋ pi̯ɐp ŋɣɛn dzɑŋ 7 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPabbuddhistBUDDH: treasure of the Eye of the True Dharma (the term appears also in the PLATFORM sutra as one of the times of transmission, and was later used as title for one of the major works of Doogen, Shooboogenzoo)
    囷倉  qūn cāng OC: khrun skhaaŋ MC: khʷin tshɑŋ 5 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralthe storehouses
      kù OC: khlaas MC: khuo̝ 4 AttributionsWD

    Kù 庫 is a storehouse designed for weapons and the like. According to SHUOWEN this was used to store weapons, but from other Han texts it is obvious that could be also used to store other things.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 府/STOREHOUSE Fǔ 府 is a building housing archives as welll as other government supplies and precious objects.
    • Assoc: 府/STOREHOUSE Fǔ 府 is a building housing archives as welll as other government supplies and precious objects.

      Syntactic words
    • nstorehouse for military supplies, armoury; sometimes apparently used in a generalised sense: storehouse
      qūn OC: khrun MC: khʷin 3 AttributionsWD

    Qūn 囷 refers to a small round granary with a pictoresque round roof. [Mentioned already in SHIJING. That the word really referred to the round granary is confirmed by Han model of a round granary inscribed with word qūn 囷. Wall of this granary was probably of mud.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 倉/STOREHOUSE Cāng 倉 refers to the large granary of rectangular shape for storing grain with a husk. The word occurs already in SHIJING, but the actual shape and size of cāng 倉 in this period is unknown; it could be only general word for a granary of any size. In Han times, cāng 倉 was usually large and built on a platform of rammed earth.

    • () p. 207 {52-3}

    • [100 page synonym dictionary which I have in Oslo and shall identify.CH] ( XIANG 1997) p. 524

      Syntactic words
    • nround granary, with round roof, mostly for grain
      Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 2 AttributionsWD

    Jiào 窌 refers to an artificial cave used for storing grain. This was probably the earliest method of storing, but still in use by Han period. Note that many oracle bones of the Shang dynasty were found in pits which could serve to store them. Presumably, these were jiào 窖/窌.

      Syntactic words
    • ncave used for storage of foodstuffs, particularly common in GUAN
    倉囷  cāng qūn OC: skhaaŋ khrun MC: tshɑŋ khʷin 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralgranaries
    囷京  qūn jīng OC: khrun kraŋ MC: khʷin kɣaŋ 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPstorehouse
    盟府  méng fǔ OC: mraŋ poʔ MC: mɣaŋ pi̯o 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPstorehouse for contracts and other records
      jīng OC: kraŋ MC: kɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD

    Jīng 京 can also refer to the granary. According to SHUOWEN it was of a rectangular shape, but Han models bearing this name are round.

      Syntactic words
    • nstorehouse
      kēng OC: khraaŋ MC: khɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • nstorage pit 飯坑
      kuài OC: kloobs MC: kɑi 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • nsilo for storage of hay and fodder
      cāng OC: skhaaŋ MC: tshɑŋ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPnonreferentialall manner of storehouses, the various granaries and storehouses
    長府  cháng fǔ OC: ɡrlaŋ poʔ MC: ɖi̯ɐŋ pi̯o 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprthe Long Storehouse (in the state of Lǔ)
    宮府  gōng fǔ MC: kjuwng pjuX OC: kuŋ poʔCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPthe various archives and storehousesCH
    垣窌  yuán pào MC: hjwon phaewH OC: ɢon --LZ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NP(= yuánjiao4 垣窖) storing facilities for grainLZ
      dùn OC: duunʔ MC: duo̝n 0 AttributionsWD

    Tún 囤in Han times refers to the simple round storage container made of bamboo mats fixed to the construction of wooden pillars.

    • () p. 207 {52-6}

    • [100 page synonym dictionary which I have in Oslo and shall identify.CH] ( XIANG 1997) p. 524

      Syntactic words
    • nHAN: simple round storage container on thick pillars for food, made of timber
      yǔ OC: loʔ MC: ji̯o 0 AttributionsWD

    Yǔ 庾 refers to the granary which is sometimes mentioned together with lǐn 廩 or cāng 倉 (for the first time in SHIJING); remains unclear.

    • () p. 208 - 209

    • 古辭辨 Gu ci bian ( WANG FENGYANG 1993) p. 195;

    • [100 page synonym dictionary which I have in Oslo and shall identify.CH] ( XIANG 1997) p. 843

      Syntactic words
    • nHAN, SHUOWEN: open-roof storage place for grain
      zhǎng OC: tjaŋʔ MC: tɕi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • ngranary
      jiào OC: kruuɡs MC: kɣɛu 0 AttributionsWD

    Jiào 窖 refers to an artificial cave typically used for storing grain, and the word being homophonous with the preceding it would appear that these are just two variant written forms of the same word.

      Syntactic words
    官府  guān fǔ OC: koon poʔ MC: kʷɑn pi̯o 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPofficial storehouse> treasury
    官庫  guān kù OC: koon khlaas MC: kʷɑn khuo̝ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPofficial storehouse, government storehouse
    府倉  fǔ cāng OC: poʔ skhaaŋ MC: pi̯o tshɑŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPdefinitethe various storehouses

    Existing SW for

    Here are Syntactic Words already defined in the database:

      Searching Wikidata
