Taxonomy of meanings for 冠:  

  • 冠 guān (OC: koon MC: kʷɑn) 古丸切 平 廣韻:【首飾説文曰絭也所以絭髮弁冕之緫名也亦姓風俗通云古賢者鶡冠子之後又音灌 】
  • HAT
    • nofficial hat used to indicate one's social position
    • n(post-N)the hat of the contextually determinate personCH
    • specifically> OFFICIAL HAT
      • nofficial headgear; hat for ceremonial use
      • one who wears such> RULER
        • nleading figure
  • 冠 guàn (OC: koons MC: kʷɑn) 古玩切 去 廣韻:【冠束白虎通曰男子幼娶必冠女子幼嫁必笄又姓列仙傳有仙人冠先又音官 】
    • WEAR
      • viactwear a hat; be of the age beyond 20 where one wears hats
      • viactcome to wear the cap of an adult; have come to wear the cap of an adult (as a rite of passage)
      • viinchoativeput on one's official cap
      • vtoNput on as a cap
      • vtoNwear on the capCH
      • inchoative: ritual marking the beginning of wearing an adult cap> RITUAL
        • vtoNmiddle voiceundergo capping ceremony of adulthood (at the age of 20, normally, but not always)
      • generalising> COVER

      Additional information about 冠

      說文解字: 【冠】,絭也,所以絭髮。弁冕之總名也。从冖、从元,元亦聲。冠有法制,从寸。 〔小徐本「元」上無「从」。〕 【徐鍇曰:取其在首,故从元。】 【百丸切】

      • TURBAN

        1. The general word for a turban is jīn 巾, and this type of headgear is worn as the only headgear.

        2. Zé 幘 is rare in pre-Han times and refers to a piece of thin silk with which to stabilise the hair-bun which parts of which might hang down over the shoulders and down to the eyebrows. Above the zé 幘 one might, occasionally, wear a guān 冠 "hat".

      • HAT

        1. The general word for headdress designed to indicate status is guān 冠, and the practical purpose of this hat is not only to indicate status but also to hold together the bun of hair on the top of the head. At the age of twenty all males acquired the right to wear a guān 冠. The hat was held in position by a cord called yīng 纓.

        2. The general word for convenient headdress designed to keep the head warm is mào 帽 but this term is rarely used on its own, being usually modified by further descriptive terms. This headdress became current first in Three Kingdom times, but the felt hat is mentioned in FENGSUTONGYI.

        3. Miǎn 冕 is the general word for an official hat. See OFFICIAL HAT

      • ADULT




        1. The current word for an adult is zhuàng 壯.


        2. Dīng 丁 is an administrative term for a person fully capable of physical work, current from Qín times.


        3. Guàn zhě 冠者 refers to a person above the age of 18, when the capping ceremony took place.


        Word relations
      • Epithet: (OFFICIAL HAT)纓/RIBBON Yīng 纓 refers specifically to one of two ribbons used to keep hat straight. The word also refers to the colour ribbon worn by a woman when having reached an age for marriage; it was also used for tying fragrant things.
      • Assoc: (WEAR)帶/WEAR