Taxonomy of meanings for 佐:  

  • 佐 zuǒ (OC: skaals MC: tsɑ) 則箇切 去 廣韻:【助也則箇切六 】
      • n(post-N)(senior) assistant of a contextually determinate N
      • DELETEassistant in charge of small matters
      • vtoNserve as a (senior) assistant under
    • HELP
      • v[adN]an aide
      • vtoNhelp with (the charioteering); assist in (government) assist in an official capacity (as aide, a person of superior status); ZHOULI: assist (the king) [support][CA]
      • vtt(oN.)+V[0]help the contextually determinate N to V
      • vttoN.+V[0]help N to V
    • LEAD
      • vtoNbe second in command over
      • n[adN]secondarily important thing, next important thingCH

    Additional information about 佐


    • HELP

      1. The most general current word for helping someone else to perform a task is probably zhù 助 (ant. zǔ 阻 "hinder") which can refer to support given to men or other creatures.

      2. Yuán 援 typically refers to spontaneous unsolicited and enthusiastic help.

      3. Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.

      4. Fú 扶 is specifially help to those much in need of support.

      5. Yì 益 (ant. sǔn 損 "act to hinder someone's progress") refers to support for someone who is already fairly well equipped for the task he or she gets support for.

      6. Jiǎ 假 refers to - not necessarily overt - discreet support.

      7. Zī 資 refers primarily to providing material support, but the word came to have common wider, generalised applications.

      8. Jì 濟 refers to acute help for a current difficult task.

      9. Yòu 祐 is a very ancient word referring specifically to assistance afforded by supernatural forces.







      1. The most general and most current colourless word for an assistant to any official in any capacity, but often in the capacity of a sernior minister, is fǔ 輔.

      [GENERAL], [VAGUE]

      2. Chéng 丞 became especially common from Qin times onwards, and this bureaucratic term can refer to any assistant in formal employment.


      3. Fù 副 is a bureaucratic term that refers to a junior official of any kind in formal employment in Han times.


      4. Èr 貳 is a standard archaic word referring to minor assistants in formal employment (ZHOULI).


      5. Zuǒ 佐 refers to a person closely linked to the master and taking charge of minor practical matters, a personal servant, perhaps a secretary, but the word refers generally to a "helping hand".


      6. Xiàng 相 can be used to refer to an assistant at any level, or to the functions fulfilled by such an assistant. See HELP


      Word relations
    • Assoc: (HELP)輔/HELP Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.
    • Synon: (HELP)輔/HELP Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.