Taxonomy of meanings for 銜:  

  • 銜 xián (OC: ɢraam MC: ɦɯam) 戶監切 平 廣韻:【説文曰馬勒口中从金从行銜行馬者户監切二 】
    • BRIDLE
      • nhorse's bit
      • vtoN.adVhold (edibles) in the mouth
      • vtoNhold an object in the mouth so that part of it remains visible, hence: harbour inside one (mostly negative sentiments), harbour resentment
      • vtoNfigurativehold in the mouth
      • vtoNcontinuousagainst one's will: have in one's mouthCH

    Additional information about 銜

    說文解字: 【銜】,馬勒口中。 〔小徐本「中」下有「也」。〕 从金、行。銜,行馬者也。 〔小徐本「銜」下有「者」。〕 【戶監切】


      1. Hán 含 refers to the holding something completely hidden in one's mouth without swallowing it.

      2. Xián 銜 refers to holding something in one's mouth with part of the object remaining visible from the outside.

    • BRIDLE

      1. Lè 勒 refers to the whole set of head-gear put on the head and neck of a horse to steer or constrain it, and this includes as its main parts the items listed below.

      2. Xián 銜 is the general word for any contraption put into a horse's mouth in order to steer or constrain it. Attached to the xián 銜 is the biāo 鑣 "bit-holder".

      3. Jī 羈 refers to leather straps round the head which may or may not hold the xián 銜 in place, and is linked to the other strappings on the horse.

      4. Biāo 鑣 is a metal contraption holding the bit in the mouth, and placed on the sides of the horse's mouth and preventing the bit from being pulled sideways out of the horse's mouth. Attached to the biāo 鑣 is the pèi 轡 "reins".

      5. Pèi 轡 refers to the reins which hold the bit with its bit-holder in place. See REINS

      Word relations