Taxonomy of meanings for 所以:  

    • NPpro-Vmetaphysicalcause, the reason why something happened; the reason behind things
    • for N, cause of NCH
    • npro-vt.-V國之所以存者"that because of which the state survives": the cause for N V-ing, the reason why N V-sCH
    • npro-vt.-Vthe agential cause of VCH
    • NPpro-Vnaturalnatural cause of V occurringCH
    • npro-vt.-Vsubjectivethe subjective reason for the explicit or implicit subject doing VCH
    • npro-vt.-Vreason why N V-ed
    • VPadS1.adS2during the time whileCH
  • USE
    • NP-V.postN{SUBJ}the means by which N V-s
    • npro-vt.-V(:postN{SUBJ})means by whichwhat the contextually determinate N uses to V; the means by which N V-sCH
    • NPadS1.adS2therefore,
    • NPadS1.postS2S2, therefore S1
    • NP-Sthe reason why S is the case
    • NPabmethodmethods and motives
    • npro-vt.-V:postN{SUBJ}之the means by which N V-s; the ways in which N V-s; the method by which N V-s
    • npro-vt.-V:postN{SUBJ}之the means by which, the way in whichLZ
    • npro-vt.-Vthe means or method by which the explicit or implicit subject of V V-s: that by means of whichCH
    • NPadVhow to, using what (the subject) V-sCH
    • NPadV{PASS}.postN{SUBJ}之the way how鬼神之所以立"the way the ghosts and spirits were established": the way in whichCH