Taxonomy of meanings for 豢:  

  • 豢 huàn (OC: ɡroons MC: ɦʷɯan) 胡慣切 去 廣韻:【榖養畜又牛馬曰芻犬豕曰豢 】
      • ndomestic animals fed with grain (normally for slaughtering)
    • FEED
      • vtoNfeed (pigs) on grain; feed; fatten
    • DESIRE

      Additional information about 豢

      說文解字: 【豢】,以穀圈養豕也。从豕、 𢍏 聲。 【胡慣切】

      • FEED

        1. The current general word is sì 食 / 飼 which refers to any action of feeding, and the action of given someone something to drink is yìn 飲.

        2. Yù 飫 is to provide abundant food or even to regale guests.

        3. Xiǎng 享 / 饗 is typically to offer food for the enjoyment and appreciation of the spirits, and very often also for guests. See FEAST.

        4. Xiǎng 餉 is to serve someone a good meal for enjoyment, as a ritual sign of respect.

        5. Cān 餐 is to treat someone to a regular meal, hú 餬 is sometimes used to feed others with a very simple meal.

        6. Shàn 膳 refers to serving an excellent meal to somebody.

        7. Huàn 豢 is specifically to feed grain to pigs.

        8. Mò 秣 is specifically to feed horses with grain.

        9. Bǔ 哺 is specifically to feed babies.

        10. Tuī 摧 refers to giving fodder to animals.

        11. Yè 饁 is to carry food out for informal consumption by people working in the open air.

        12. Wèi 喂 / 餵 refers to feeding animals.


        1. The current general word for domestic animals is shēng 牲.

        2. Chú huàn 芻豢 refers to grain and hay-eating domestic animals, particularly sheep, bovines, pigs.

        3. Chù 畜 refers to domestic animals under the aspect that they are being reared.

        4. Chú 芻 refers to domestic animals fed on hey.

        5. Huàn 豢 refers to domestic animals fed on grain.

        6. Wù 鶩 refers to the domestic duck but can also come to refer to the wild duck.

        NB Yā 鴨 is post-Buddhist and refers to the domestic duck.