Taxonomy of meanings for 菑:  

  • 菑 zī (OC: ʔsrɯ MC: tʂɨ) 側持切 平 廣韻:【同葘又説文曰東楚名缶曰甾 】
  • 菑 zāi (OC: tsɯɯ MC: tsəi) 祖才切 平 廣韻:【説文曰害也 】
  • 菑 zī (OC: tsrɯ MC: tʂɨ) 側持切 平 廣韻:【説文曰不耕田也爾雅曰田一歳曰葘側持切又音栽十五 】
      • nabeventOBI 5: calamity; disaster (from Heaven/Nature; occasionally self-inflicted as in CC 9.1); the reference is sometimes to a fire
      • vi0there was a disaster (at a place); there was a disaster in the form of a fire
      • nadNconstituting a plague for
      • vtoNbe a plague for
      • nabfigurativea menace (to others)
      • v[adN]N=humperson suffering calamity
      • nabautonym"calamity"
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe struck by disaster
      • vispell disaster (XUN)LZ
    • PLOUGH
      • viactplough; break the soil
    • FIELD
      • REMOVE
        • GRASS
          • SURNAMES
            • TREE
              • nstumpLZ
            • WALL
              • HARM
                • = 緇
                • = 倳
              • 菑 zī (OC: ʔsrɯ MC: tʂɨ) 側持切 平 廣韻:【亦同葘 】
              • 菑 nil (OC: ʔsrɯ MC: tsəi) 祖才切 平 廣韻:【同𡿧亦作葘見經典 】
              • 菑 zāi (OC: tsɯɯ MC: tsəi) 祖才切 平 廣韻:【 】

                Additional information about 菑


                • WEATHER

                  There is no commonly used general concept for the weather in pre-Buddhist Chinese. The closest we come is perhaps qì 氣 as in ZUO 天有六氣, but consider the whole passage:

                  天有六氣, (In the same way) there are six heavenly influences,

                  降生五味, which descend and produce the five tastes,

                  發為五色, go forth in the five colours,

                  徵為五聲。 and are verified in the five notes;

                  淫生六疾。 but when they are in excess, they produce the six diseases.

                  六氣曰陰、陽、風、雨、晦、明也, Those six influences are denominated the yin, the yang, wind, rain, obscurity, and brightness.

                  分為四時, In their separation, they form the four seasons;

                  序為五節, in their order, they form the five (elementary) terms.

                  過則為菑: When any of them is in excess, there ensues calamity.

                  陰淫寒疾, An excess of the yin leads to diseases of the cold;

                  陽淫熱疾, of the yang, to diseases of heat;

                  風淫末疾, of wind, to diseases of the extremities;

                  雨淫腹疾, of rain, to diseases of the belly;

                  晦淫惑疾, of obscurity, to diseases of delusion;

                  明淫心疾。 of brightness to diseases of the mind.

                  Word relations