Taxonomy of meanings for 騁:  

  • 騁 chěng (OC: phrleŋʔ MC: ʈʰiɛŋ) 丑郢切 上 廣韻:【馳騁又走也 】
    • GALLOP
      • viactgallop fast in a certain direction; exert to the full
      • vtoNcausative(cause to gallop>) deploy to a full and remarkable extent
      • vtoNcausativecause to gallop > give free reign to
      • generalised>HURRY
        • viactmill about; rush around
        • vt+V[0](politely:) hasten to V

Additional information about 騁

說文解字: 【騁】,直馳也。从馬、甹聲。 【丑郢切】


    1. The current general word for gallopping or - by extension - moving at a great speed is chí 馳.

    2. Qū 驅 refers to speeding along at maximum speed by any means of transport, and the speeding along is typically construed as the action of the driver, not of the horses pulling the convenance.

    3. Chěng 騁 refers to speeding along in a disciplined fashion at maximum speed, but the word usually occurs in the current binome chí chěng 馳騁 "gallop along".

    4. Wù 騖 refers to horses gallopping along, typically beyond control of a keeper, rider or driver.

    Word relations
  • Assoc: (HURRY)馳/HURRY Chí 馳 and the somewhat rarer zòu 驟 refer to racing along, typically on horseback.