Taxonomy of meanings for 雲:  

  • yún (OC: ɢun MC: ɦiun) 王分切 平 廣韻:【説文云山川气也从雨云象雲回轉形河圖曰雲者天地之本傅子曰以雲母飾車謂之雲母車臣不得乗之又姓縉雲氏之後又後魏書宥連氏後改爲雲氏王分切二十二 】
    • CLOUD
      • ncloud; clouds
      • nabfigurativecloud (of ignorance)
      • nadNmade of cloud, cloudy
      • nadVanalogyin massive numbers like clouds; floating about like clouds
      • nadVanalogylike clouds :> from all directions in large numbers
      • nadVinstrumentusing the names of clouds
      • nadNfigurativecloud-likeCH
      • salient feature>MANY
        • nadVin large numbers (like clouds)

    Additional information about 雲

    說文解字: 【雲】,山川气也。从雨、云,象雲回轉形。 〔小徐本「云」下有「聲」。〕 凡雲之屬皆从雲。 【王分切】 【云】,古文省雨。 〔小徐本作「古文云。」〕 【云】,亦古文雲。

    • CLOUD

      1. The current general word for a cloud is yún 雲.

      2. Xiāo 霄 refers in an elevated style to high thin clouds, and the word is fairly rare.

      3. Xiá 霞 refers to misty, rosy-coloured clouds.

      4. Yùn 暈 refers to the halo round sun or moon which can occur when certain cloud formations surround the sun or moon, a phenomenon which attracted particular attention Shang dynasty astronomers.

      5. Bái hóng 白虹 refers to the palish rainbow-like structure which sometimes accompanies the halo round the moon or the sun.

      Word relations
    • Epithet: (CLOUD)浮/FLOAT The general word for floating of any kind, also of clouds in the air, is fú 浮 (ant. chén 沉).
    • Epithet: (CLOUD)氣/MIST Qì 氣 is sometimes used to refer to the misty substance that wù 霧 is made up of.
    • Assoc: (CLOUD)霓/RAINBOW Ní 霓 refers to the faded colours around the rainbow.