Taxonomy of meanings for 雕 / 彫 / 琱 / 錭:  

  • 雕 diāo (OC: tɯɯw MC: teu) 都聊切 平 廣韻:【鶚屬又姓漢武帝功臣表有雕延年 】
      • ENGRAVE
        • vtoNengrave, carve patterns into a surface
        • vadNcarved, engraved
        • vtoNpassivebe engraved; be engraved with (patterns); be carved into
        • vtoNform as a sculpture
      • PAINT
        • PERFECT
        • 雕 diāo (OC: tɯɯw MC: teu) 都聊切 平 廣韻:【籀文雕 】

          Additional information about 雕

          說文解字: 【雕】,鷻也。从隹、周聲。 【都僚切】 【鵰】,籒文雕从鳥。 〔小徐本「雕」作「鵰」。〕

          • MEMORIAL

            1. The most general (rare) word for a memorial is shù 疏.

            2. Zòu 奏 refers to the act of submission of a memorial, from Qin times onwards specifically directed to the emperor.

            2. Biǎo 表 refers in Han times to a formal request for imperial support, often in matters of funeral arrangements etc.

            3. Zhāng 章 refers to a memorial of thanks.

            4. Yì 議 refers to formal and often controversial contribution towards the discussion of a political issue which is at issue.

            5. Shū 書 "document; letter" is sometimes used to refer specifically to a memorial to the throne.

            NB: The subtle distinctions between these forms of memorial are the subject of detailed discussion in Wénxīndiāolóng 文心雕龍, but the late date of this text must be kept in mind. Qǐ 啟 "expression of personal views addressed to the emperor" and zhuàng 狀 "formal accusation" are post-Han.

            Word relations
          • Assoc: (SCULPTURE)琢/POLISH Zhuó 琢 refers primarily to the polishing of jade.