Taxonomy of meanings for 郭:  

  • 郭 guō (OC: kʷaaɡ MC: kʷɑk) 古博切 入 廣韻:【城郭也釋名曰郭廓也廓落在城外也丗本曰鯀作郭亦姓出太原河南潁川東郡馮翊五望本自王季之後又云氏於居者城郭園池是也案説文作𩫏爲居𩫏作𨟍𨟍氏也古博切十 】
  • 郭 guo2《集韻》郭獲切,入陌見。
    • STATES
      • NPprGuō 郭 (CHEN PAN 1969, 525-534)Clan: Unknown.Rank: Unknown. In the CQ, Zhuang 24 (670 B.C.), the ruler of Guō is referred to as gōng 公. In the inscription on the Guō bó guǐ 郭伯簋, the ruler of Guō is referred to as bó 伯. Founded: Unknown. The ruler of Guō (Guō bó) is mentioned in the bronze inscriptions dating from the early and middle period of the Western Zhōu; therefore, the state was already in existence by those times. Destroyed: Unknown. The ruler of Guō (Guō gōng) is mentioned only one time in the CQ (for Zhuang 24; 670 B.C.) in a very unclear context (the larger part of the sentence is obviously missing). According to the Du's commentary, it is a mistake; GONGYANG has suggested that the record refers to the ruler who prior to the date lost his state. Xīn xù (Zá shì chapter) records the story how Lord Huán of Qí 齊桓公 (685-643 B.C.) during a hunt passed the ruins of the Guō capital and asked about the reasons of its downfall. If we should give any credit to this story, by that time Guō already was not in existence. Location: Unknown. According to the later sources, mainly Zá shì chapter of the Xīn xù, the ruins of the capital of Guō were located somewhere in the neighborhood of Qí 齊. The Western Zhōu bronze inscriptions which mention the ruler of Guō (if it is identical with Guō mentioned in the CQ and later sources) also suggest its association with the eastern states.

    Additional information about 郭



      1. Chéng 城 refers to the inner city wall. It was originally built of rammed earth, but during the Han there were also walls built of bricks or stones. See also FORTIFY.

      2. Guō 郭 is an outer city wall. Sometimes this is also called kuò 廓.

      3. Dié 堞 refers both to the battlements on the wall and to the crenels of it. See RAMPART

      4. Nuχiáng 女牆 refers to the battlements on the wall. See RAMPART

      5. Yú 隅 refers to the corner of the wall, usually raised above the level of the wall and with building on it.

    • CITY

      1. The most general term for walled urban or semi-urban administrative centres and settlements below the level of the capital, and above the level of the village without any presence of the state administration, is 邑. In OBI the word can also refer to the royal capital.

      2. Dū 都 refers to a larger urbanised settlement with an ancestral shrine for the leading family in the town, and with representatives of the central state government in permanent residence. The word came to refer quite generally to a city in post-Warring States times.

      3. Chéng 城 refers specifically to the part of a city surrounded by the inner city wall chéng 城. But the word is also sometimes used to refer more generally to walled cities.

      4. Guō 郭 refers to the part of a walled city outside the inner city walls chéng 城 but inside the outer city walls guō 郭. Sometimes the outer walls are added on one side only of the inner city walls thus creating a kind of second-level walled city.

      5. Fú 郛 refers to a large guō 郭 "inhabited area between inner and outer city walls".

      6. Jiāo 郊 refers to the cultivated area outside the guō 郭 and bounded by yě 野 "open countryside". See SUBURB

      Word relations
    • Contrast: (CITY WALL)城/CITY WALL Chéng 城 refers to the inner city wall. It was originally built of rammed earth, but during the Han there were also walls built of bricks or stones.
    • Assoc: (CITY WALL)城/CITY WALL Chéng 城 refers to the inner city wall. It was originally built of rammed earth, but during the Han there were also walls built of bricks or stones.