Taxonomy of meanings for 迷:  

  • 迷 mí (OC: mii MC: mei) 莫兮切 平 廣韻:【惑也莫兮切六 】
      • npersons who are spiritually confused
      • nabstativeconfusion
      • vadNgone astray > confused, deluded, disoriented, ignorant of the truth
      • vadVconfusedly; in one's confusion
      • vibe disorientated; confused, temporarily misguided, deluded
      • vichangebecome increasingly disorientated
      • vt+prep+Nbe confused and misguided about
      • vtoNbe confused about
      • vtoNcausativemake confused, cause to be confusedly visible
      • vtoNpassivebe confused by
      • specific: route>GO ASTRAY
        • vadNlost, gone-astray
        • vilose one's way, be at a loss about where to go (temporarily); allow oneself to get lost
        • DELETEactallow oneself to get lost, allow oneself to lose one's way
        • vt+prep+Nlose one's way in; go astray into
        • vtoNlose (the trail); lose one's way so as to get caught up in
        • vtoNcausativecause to lose one's way, make confused
      • physical process>FAINT
        • psychological feature>ADDICTED
        • generalised>MISTAKE
            • specifically: cease to have by mistake>LOSE
              • causative>SEDUCE
            • =彌
            • =弭
            • =眯
            • =謎

            Additional information about 迷

            說文解字: 【迷】,或也。 〔小徐本「或」作「惑」。〕 从辵、米聲。 【莫兮切】

            • CONFUSED

              1. The standard general word for any kind of confusion is huò 惑 (ant. qīng 清 "be unconfused and clear").

              2. Mí 迷 "be temporarily disorientated" (ant. shí 識 "be familiar with") is in connection with a direction one is intending to take.

              3. Hūn 昏 / 惛 is typically confusion within a certain delimited area. See OBSCURE

              4. Bèi 悖 / 誖 / 勃 refers to confusion in the form of contradictoriness and incoherence of opinions held or of attitudes.

            • UNDERSTAND

              1. The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea").

              2. Míng 明 (ant. měng 蒙 "have very confused notions about") refers to incisive clarity of insight.

              3. Tōng 通 (ant. hūn 昏 "be confused about") refers to comprehensive and thorough familiarity with a subject.

              4. Yù 喻 / 諭 (ant. àn 闇 "be in the dark about") typically refers to clarity achieved on the basis of an effort of articulation.

              5. Chá 察 and shěn 審 (ant. mí 迷 "be all lost when it comes to") refer to incisive clarity of understanding coupled with great awareness of the details of a matter.

              6. Jīng 精 (mào 眊 / 耄 "be completely stupid with respect to") refers to a subtle and thorough understanding of something.

              7. Shí 識 refers to familiarity with something concrete, but the word also refers to simple awareness, especially when negated.

              8. Biàn 辨 / 辯 (ant. huò 惑 "be al confused about") refers to discriminating and highly articulate specialised, often professional knowledge about something.

              9. Jué 覺 and the rarer wù 悟 are inchoative and refer to the coming to understand something.

              10. Wēn 溫 refers to the resulting close familiarity after long acquaintance with a subject.

              11. Wén 聞 (ant. wèi zhī wén 未之聞 "have never heard/learnt about any such thing") is sometimes used as a resultative verb meaning "come to understand something because one has been informed of it". But this usage is limited to the idiom wén dào 聞道 "hear about the Way".

              12. Xī 悉 and jìn 盡 refer to presumed completeness in knowledge.

            • LABYRINTH


            • GO ASTRAY

              1. The standard word for going astray is mí 迷, and this refers to any form of disorientation purely local and abstract.

              Word relations
            • Ant: (CONFUSED)悟 / 寤/ENLIGHTENMENT Jué 覺 and the rarer wù 悟 are inchoative and refer to the coming to understand something
            • Contrast: (CONFUSED)惑/CONFUSED The standard general word for any kind of confusion is huò 惑 (ant. qīng 清 "be unconfused and clear").
            • Assoc: (CONFUSED)愚/STUPID The dominant word is yú 愚 (ant. zhì 智 "clever; wise"), and the word refers to intellectual obtuseness as well as practical ineptitude.