Taxonomy of meanings for 趙:  

  • 趙 zhào (OC: rlewʔ MC: ɖɯiɛu) 治小切 上 廣韻:【少也久也字林云趍也亦州名春秋屬晉秦屬邯鄲郡後魏以廣阿城置殷州至齊改爲趙州又姓本自伯益孫造父善御幸於周穆王賜以趙城因封爲氏簡襄始大列爲諸侯今岀天水南陽金城下邳潁川五望 】
  • 趙 diao4《集韻》徒了切,上篠定。

    Additional information about 趙

    說文解字: 【趙】,趨趙也。 〔小徐本作「趙趨也。」〕 从走、肖聲。 【治小切】

    • KNIGHT

      1. The current standard word for a knight is xiá 俠.

      2. Jiàn 劍, when used to refer to a sword-bearing knight, focusses on his formidable weapon.

      3. Yóu xiá 游俠 refers to a strong, brave, and honest knight-errant.

      4. Since many knights-errant were from the states of >Zhào and Yàn, these were later called Zhào kè 趙客.

      5. As many knight-errants were strong, they were polite designation was háo kè 豪客.

      6. As knight-errants were respected for helping the poor they were politely referred to as zhǎng zhě 長者. DATE?