Taxonomy of meanings for 谿:  

  • 谿 xī (OC: khee MC: kʰei) 苦奚切 平 廣韻:【爾雅曰水注川曰谿苦奚切八 】
  • 谿 xī (OC: khee MC: kʰei) 苦奚切 平 廣韻:【同谿 】
  • 谿 xī (OC: khee MC: kʰei) 苦奚切 平 廣韻:【同谿 】

    Additional information about 谿

    說文解字: 【谿】,山瀆無所通者。从谷、奚聲。 【苦兮切】

    • VALLEY

      1. The standard word for a valley is gǔ 谷 (ant. shān 山 "mountain"), and the word presupposes a certain size without emphasising large size.

      2. Xī 谿 (later also written 溪 ) refers to a deep valley, preferably with a stream in it.

      3. Huò 壑 (ant. fēng 峰 "mountain top") refers generally to a deep large and impressive valley with or without running water in it, as the season may determine,, and the word is rarely used to refer specifically to a given valley.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (VALLEY)山/MOUNTAIN The general term for a mountain of any kind, large or small, is shān 山.