Taxonomy of meanings for 芻:  

  • 芻 chú (OC: tshro MC: tʂʰio) 測隅切 平 廣韻:【芻豢説文云刈草也俗作蒭亦姓出何氏姓苑測隅切二 】
      • ndomestic animal (not necessarily for slaughtering), fed on hey, particularly goat and water buffalo;
    • HAY
      • nmhay, fodder (for domestic animals)
      • nadNmade of straw; fed with fodder
      • viactto collect hay
      • v[adN]hay-collectors, foragers???
    • STRAW
      • MOW
        • FEED
          • UNIMPORTANT
            • SURNAMES

              Additional information about 芻

              說文解字: 【芻】,刈艸也。象包束艸之形。 【叉愚切】

              • DOMESTIC ANIMAL

                1. The current general word for domestic animals is shēng 牲.

                2. Chú huàn 芻豢 refers to grain and hay-eating domestic animals, particularly sheep, bovines, pigs.

                3. Chù 畜 refers to domestic animals under the aspect that they are being reared.

                4. Chú 芻 refers to domestic animals fed on hey.

                5. Huàn 豢 refers to domestic animals fed on grain.

                6. Wù 鶩 refers to the domestic duck but can also come to refer to the wild duck.

                NB Yā 鴨 is post-Buddhist and refers to the domestic duck.

                Word relations
              • Epithet: (HAY)狗/DOG Gǒu 狗is a colloquial word for a dog (according to some early commentators a small dog, and it is plausible that the colloquial word may have referred to the small dog in particular).