Taxonomy of meanings for 腹:  

  • 腹 fù (OC: puɡ MC: piuk) 方六切 入 廣韻:【腹肚 】
      • vtoNto embrace; carry at one's bossom (SHI)
    • MIND
      • nab.adVin his guts> in one's mind 腹誹心謗
      • nbelly, stomach

    Additional information about 腹



      1. The general term for the belly is fù 腹.

      2. Wèi 胃 refers specifically to the stomach as the main organ of digestion.

      3. Pí 膍 refers to ox's stomach or tripe as used in sacrifice or eaten.

      NB: Dù 肚 "stomach" and dǔ 肚 "tripe" are both post-Han.


      There is no commonly used general concept for the weather in pre-Buddhist Chinese. The closest we come is perhaps qì 氣 as in ZUO 天有六氣, but consider the whole passage:

      天有六氣, (In the same way) there are six heavenly influences,

      降生五味, which descend and produce the five tastes,

      發為五色, go forth in the five colours,

      徵為五聲。 and are verified in the five notes;

      淫生六疾。 but when they are in excess, they produce the six diseases.

      六氣曰陰、陽、風、雨、晦、明也, Those six influences are denominated the yin, the yang, wind, rain, obscurity, and brightness.

      分為四時, In their separation, they form the four seasons;

      序為五節, in their order, they form the five (elementary) terms.

      過則為菑: When any of them is in excess, there ensues calamity.

      陰淫寒疾, An excess of the yin leads to diseases of the cold;

      陽淫熱疾, of the yang, to diseases of heat;

      風淫末疾, of wind, to diseases of the extremities;

      雨淫腹疾, of rain, to diseases of the belly;

      晦淫惑疾, of obscurity, to diseases of delusion;

      明淫心疾。 of brightness to diseases of the mind.

    • OVINE

      1. Yáng 羊 is the general word referring indifferently to what in English is a sheep, a goat, or a ram.

      2. Gāo 羔 refers to a young goat or sheep.

      3. Zāng 牂 refers to a female goat or sheep.

      4. Yú 妤羭 is a colloquialism for a goat or a sheep.

      5. Jié 羯 castrated sheep.

      NB: According to ERYA fán 羳 refers to a goat/sheep with yellow belly, and goats/sheep with curved horns are called guǐ 觤 (ERYA). Fèn 羒 refers to a male goat or sheep.

      ERYA (三)羊屬。

      19·28 羊,牡羒,牝牂。

      19·29 夏羊,牡羭,牝羖。

      19·30 角不齊,觤;角三觠,羷。

      19·31 羳羊,黃腹。

      19·32 未成羊,羜。

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (STOMACH)口/MOUTH The standard word for the mouth is kǒu 口.
    • Assoc: (STOMACH)心/HEART The standard word for the physiological organ known as the heart in English is xīn 心.
    • Oppos: (STOMACH)心/MIND The general word for the mental sphere of man is xīn 心 "HEART> mind" (ant. xíng 形 "physical shape, body", tǐ 體 "limbs, body").
    • Oppos: (STOMACH)目/EYE The general word for the eye, including the area around the eye is mù 目(thus when one shāng mù 傷目 what is injured is not necessarily the eyeball itself). (This is a very flexible word which also has verbal uses. For which see SEE.)