Taxonomy of meanings for 罕:  

  • 罕 hàn (OC: qhaans MC: hɑn) 呼旰切 去 廣韻:【 】
  • 罕 hàn (OC: qhaanʔ MC: hɑn) 呼旰切 去 廣韻:【抱䍐縣在河州亦作罕抱音扶 】
  • 罕 hǎn (OC: qhaanʔ MC: hɑn) 呼旱切 上 廣韻:【希也亦鳥網又姓左傳鄭有䍐氏出自穆公以王父字爲氏代爲卿大夫又羌複姓有䍐井氏説文作𦉴或作罕呼旱切七 】

    Additional information about 罕


    • OFTEN

      1. The current general word for high frequency of an event within a certain period of time is shuò 數 " several times in a row" (xī 希 "rarely").

      2. Lu# 屢 "quite a few times" (ant. hǎn 罕 "very seldom") indicates that an event has many precursors similar to it in the past, and the word does not emphasise the high frequency.

      3. Qì 亟 and pín 頻 "very often" (ant.* ǒu 偶 "on and off") are probably more intensitive than shuò 數.

      4. Zòu 驟 "repeatedly, within a short period of time" (ant. shū 疏 "at long intervals") is more temporary in nature.

      5. Cháng 常 (ant. xiǎn 鮮 "quite rarely, in the natural course of events") refers to fequency as a symptom of something being ordinary and only to be expected.

      6. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "a few times, few times") is a colourless word indicating that something is of generally frequent occurrence.

    • NET

      1. The most general term for a net is probably wǎng 网 (originally specifically a fishing net) and gǔ 罟, (originally also specifically a fishing net). It seems that both terms referred originally not only to the fishing net, but to a net in general; already in bone inscriptions and then in SHIJING wǎng 网 is mentioned like a net used to catch animals.

      2. Luó 羅, wǎng 罔/網, bì 畢, fú 罘, and jū 罝 (small) are current words for bird nets which can also be used to catch small animals like hares. [Bì 畢 was probably of Y-like shape, and consisted of small net and long handle. The word wǎng 罔/網 is probably only archaic variant of wǎng 网. In SHIJING, the word is used also for a fish net. Fú 罘 can be also used to catch large animals like deers.

      3. Zēng 罾, gū 罛, yù 罭 are current names for fish nets.

      4. Hǎn 罕 refers to a small bird net with long handle; perhaps it refers to the same implement like bì 畢.

      5. Zhāng 張 is usually a verb meaning 'to catch (birds or animals) with a net', but it can also refer to a net for hunting.

      6. Weì 罻 refers to a small net for catching birds.

      7. Chōng 罿 refers to a small bird net.

      8. Juàn 罥 refers to a bird net.

      9. Fú CHARACTER??? is a mechanism used to catch birds or animals. It was perhaps a carriage with two shafts, among which was spread a net. Mentioned already in SHIJING. [HUANG 1995: 448 - 449; XIANG 1997: 163]

    • RARE

      1. The current general word for seldom is hǎn 罕 (ant. lu# 屢 "fairly often), which tends to refer to a very low fequency of occurrence of something.

      2. Xiǎn 鮮 (ant. cháng 常 "frequently, in the natural course of events") refer to a dramatic degree of scarcity.

      3. Xī 希 / 稀 (ant. shuò 數 "repeatedly, many times, several times") refers to relative scarcity or sparseness both in time and in space.

      4. Shǎo 少 (ant. duō 多 "often") is a colourless word frequently used to indicate non-specifically that something is not often seen.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (RARE)常/ENDURING Cháng 常 and the especially emphatic héng 恆 "highly constant and permanent" (ant.* ǒu 偶 "contingency and consequent changeability") emphasise the constancy or constant recurrence of the attributes of what is lasting, and typically - though not always - the constancy is valued positively.