Taxonomy of meanings for 絜:  

  • 絜 xié (OC: ɡeed MC: ɦet) 胡結切 入 廣韻:【爾雅河名即九河之一也又古節切 】
  • 絜 jié (OC: keed MC: ket) 古屑切 入 廣韻:【説文曰麻一耑也 】
    • CLEAN
      • vibe clean
      • vtoNcausativerinse formally; clean (ritually)
      • vtoNfigurativepurify the abstract NLZ
    • PURE
      • vibe unsullied, without blemish; clean
      • vifigurativemorally pure
      • vtoNcausativepurify
      • vtoNcausativepurify (oneself)
      • vtoNcausativepurify (oneself)
      • vadNpure

    Additional information about 絜

    說文解字: 【絜】,麻一耑也。从糸、㓞聲。 【古㞕切】

    • PURE

      1. The standard general term for purity is chún 純 (ant. zá 雜 "mixed").

      2. Sù 素 (ant. huá 華 "well-adorned") adds to the notion of purity that of the unadulaterated original state of something.

      3. Qīng 清 (ant. zhuó 濁 "dirty, impure") and the rarer chéng 澂 emphasises the absence of any admixtures that might make something less transparent and translucent.

      4. Jìng 淨 (ant. wū 污 "impure") emphasises the unsullied state of something and the absence specifically of dirt.

      5. Chè 澈 (ant. hún 渾 "murky") focusses on perfect transparency.

      6. Jié 潔 / 絜 (ant. wū 污 "impure" and zhuó 濁 "dirty") refer abstractly to the absence of any material or immaterial impurity or blemish.

      7. Chún 醇 (bó 駁 "mixed") refers specifically to the undiluted state of wine but the word is also used in generalised senses of purity.

    • CLEAN

      1. The most general word for cleanness, both physical and moral, is jié 潔/絜.

      2. Qīng 清 focusses on translucence in its literal meaning.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (PURE)精 / 菁/EXCELLENT Jīng 精 (of general application) (ant. cū 粗 "of only rough quality") and ruì 銳(typically applied to military prowess) (ant. dùn 鈍 "of lesser quality") refer to above-average performance without suggestion individual excellence.