Taxonomy of meanings for 濟:  

  • 濟 jǐ (OC: tsiilʔ MC: tsei) 子禮切 上 廣韻:【定也止也齊也亦濟濟多威儀皃又水名出王屋亦州本齊地秦屬東郡宋於此置碻磝戍後魏於此置濟北郡周武帝置肥城郡武德改爲濟州或作泲又姓出姓苑襄城人也子禮切又音霽五 】
  • 濟 jì (OC: tsiils MC: tsei) 子計切 去 廣韻:【渡也定也止也又卦名旣濟又子禮切 】
      • vt(oN)cross over a contextually determinate place; cut across
      • vtoNgo across, try to get across; traverse, succeed to get across
      • vt+prep+Nbe cutting across (See AC Graham on hu)CH
      • REACH
        • vt+prep+Nget to, reach (a place)CH
        • STOP
          • viactceaseCH
        • SUCCEED
          • nabeventsuccessful comnpletion of one's action
          • vibe successful
          • vtoNcausativecause to succeed; make successful
          • vt+prep+Vsucceed in V-ing; manage to V
          • vt+prep+Nsucceed in the matter (the Way etc)
          • SUFFICIENT
              • COMPLETE
                • vt(oN)reach (the contextually determinate aim)
                • vtoNgo through with (the performance of one's duties etc); carry through to success
              • supply> PREPARE
                • HELP
                  • vtoNhelp across a river> help to overcome a difficult situation, give succour to; help towards, contribute towards BUDDH: save, liberate
                  • vtoNpassiveget helped out of a difficult situation
                  • vadNancillary; helping; supporting
                  • RESCUE
                    • vtoNrescue from (a sad situation), save from (disaster)
                    • vttoN.+V[0]rescue N from V-ingCH
        • 濟 qí《集韻》前西切,平齊從。

          Additional information about 濟


          • RIVER

            1. The general word for a river is shuǐ 水.

            2. Jiāng 江 can refer not only to the Yangtse River, but also to its system of tributaries, similarly for hé 河.

            3. Chuān 川 is a general term for rivers, streams and streamlets which normally has a generic reference.

            4. Dú 瀆 is a special term for the Four Great Rivers, the sì dú 四瀆 : 江,淮,河,濟

            NB: Hé 河 is normally a proper name of Yellow River and its tributaries. [The term Huánghé 黃河 was in use since Han times. The river flows through the following provinces Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong. In the northeastern part of the Shandong province, it flows into the Bohai gulf.]

            Jiāng 江 is a proper name for the Yangtse River and its tributaries. [The greatest river of China. It flows through the following provinces and areas Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu. Overall length 6300 km.]

          • HELP

            1. The most general current word for helping someone else to perform a task is probably zhù 助 (ant. zǔ 阻 "hinder") which can refer to support given to men or other creatures.

            2. Yuán 援 typically refers to spontaneous unsolicited and enthusiastic help.

            3. Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.

            4. Fú 扶 is specifially help to those much in need of support.

            5. Yì 益 (ant. sǔn 損 "act to hinder someone's progress") refers to support for someone who is already fairly well equipped for the task he or she gets support for.

            6. Jiǎ 假 refers to - not necessarily overt - discreet support.

            7. Zī 資 refers primarily to providing material support, but the word came to have common wider, generalised applications.

            8. Jì 濟 refers to acute help for a current difficult task.

            9. Yòu 祐 is a very ancient word referring specifically to assistance afforded by supernatural forces.

          • RESCUE

            1. The current general word for rescuing someone is jiù 救.

            2. Jì 濟 refers to a successful campaign to save something from imminent decline or ruin.

            3. Zhěng 拯 is a dramatic word for a rescuing operation.

            4. Zhèn 振 is a dramatic word for a rescuing operation involving clear overtones of not only rescuing someone from an acute situation of danger but also following this operation up with lasting help.

            5. Zhèn 賑 refers to a rescuing operation centering around material help.