Taxonomy of meanings for 欺:  

  • 欺 qī (OC: khɯ MC: kʰɨ) 去其切 平 廣韻:【詐也去其切十一 】
    • CHEAT
      • vtoNcheat through word or action; treat dishonestly, deceive; perpetrate fraud against 欺於
      • vtoNpassiveget cheated
      • vadNdeceitful, given to cheating
      • viactengage in cheating; be fraudulent
      • vtoNpsychdeceive (oneself)
      • nabactbeing cheated
      • vt[oN]stativecheat others> be deceitfuld, be fraudulent

    Additional information about 欺

    說文解字: 【欺】,詐欺也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从欠、其聲。 【去其切】

    • CHEAT

      1. The standard common word for cheating is qī 欺 (ant. chéng 誠 ) and it refers to any deliberate act of deception, self-interested or not, even occasionally self-deception.

      2. Zhà 詐 (ant. què 愨 "honest") is a fraudulent act of cheating designed to harm the interests of others.

      3. Wěi 偽 (ant. zhēn 真 "true, unfaked") is dissumulation and pretense, not necessarily with an intent to harm others.

      4. Guǐ 詭 and jué 譎 (all ant. zhèng 正 "straight and not deceitful") are dishonesty with an intent to deceive and harm others.

      5. Wū 誣 is to deliberately mislead someone through lying.

      6. Dàn 誕 is to deceive through boastful exaggeration. See EXAGGERATE

      7. Mán 謾 refers primarily to the speaking without being serious about what one says.

      NB: There is an extraordinary wealth of rare vocabulary of possibly colloquial origin within this field.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (CHEAT)信/FAITHFUL The current general word for trustiness or good faith is xìn 信.
    • Object: (CHEAT)主/RULER The current general word for a person in charge of others are zhǔ 主 (ant. pú 僕 "servant").
    • Contrast: (CHEAT)罔/CHEAT
    • Contrast: (CHEAT)詐/CHEAT Zhà 詐 (ant. què 愨 "honest") is a fraudulent act of cheating designed to harm the interests of others.
    • Assoc: (CHEAT)詐/CHEAT Zhà 詐 (ant. què 愨 "honest") is a fraudulent act of cheating designed to harm the interests of others.