Taxonomy of meanings for 橫:  

  • 橫 hèng (OC: ɡʷraaŋs MC: ɦʷɯaŋ) 戶孟切 去 廣韻:【非理來又音宏 】
      • vadVhèng in a wayward manner, in an unregulated manner; without proper reason or justification
      • generalised> INTENSELY
        • vadVextensively
      • in aggressive action> VIOLENT
        • vadNwayward, unruly, irregular
        • vadVwaywardly, in a violently irregular way
        • vibe wayward, unruly, irregular
  • 橫 héng (OC: ɡʷraaŋ MC: ɦʷɯaŋ) 戶盲切 平 廣韻:【縱横也又姓風俗通云韓王子成號横陽君其後爲氏戸盲切十六 】
      • vadVgoing straight across
      • vtoNcross horizontally; go diagonally across
      • vtoNstativelie horizontally across
      • vt[oN]go diagonally across things; take a new directionCH
        • vibe horizontal; crosswise
        • vadVhorizontally; crosswise; from the side
        • vadVmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
        • nabsocialhorizontal alliance
        • vtoNcausativecause to become horisontal; lay out horisontally;
  • 橫 guāng (OC: kʷaaŋ MC: kʷɑŋ) 古黃切 平 廣韻:【長安門名又戸觥切 】
  • 橫 guang1《廣韻》古黃切,平唐見。
    • 橫 guang4《集韻》古曠切,
      • 橫 huang2《集韻》胡光切,平唐匣。
        • 橫 huang4《集韻》戶廣切,上蕩匣。

            Additional information about 橫


            • HORIZONTAL

              1. Hèng 衡 refers to east-western direction, and it is used as a general term meaning horizontal.

              2. Hèng 橫 is a later variant of hèng 衡.

            • VIOLENT

              1. The current general word for violence in action and in disposition is měng 猛 (ant. nuò 懦 "weakish, pusillanimous") which refers quite generally to a disposition for incisive action and violent reaction without strong positive or negative overtones.

              2. Bào 暴 (ant. rén 仁 "humane") refers to negatively valued violence of disposition and action.

              3. Xiōng 凶 (ant. wēn 溫 "mild and bland") refers to violence as a psychological disposition and does not normally describe concrete pieces of behaviour.

              4. Hèng 橫 (ant. róu 柔 "considerate, non-provocative") emphasises the arbitrariness of violent response or violent disposition.

              Word relations
            • Epithet: (UNRESTRAINED)行/TRAVEL The standard word for travelling for any purpose is xíng 行.
            • Contrast: (UNRESTRAINED)恣/UNRESTRAINED The current general word for lack of restraint and indulgence is zī 恣 (ant. jié 節 "exercise moderation").