Taxonomy of meanings for 悼:
- 悼 dào (OC: deewɡs MC: dɑu) 徒到切 去 廣韻:【傷悼 】
Additional information about 悼
說文解字: 【悼】,懼也。陳楚謂懼曰悼。从心、 卓 聲。 〔小徐本作「從心、卓聲。陳楚謂懼曰悼。」〕 【臣鉉等曰:卓非聲,當从罩省。】 【徒到切】
- Criteria
1. The most general current word is sāng 喪 which embraces all phases and aspects of complex process of mourning in ancient China.
2. Diào 弔 / 吊 (ant. qìng 慶 "congratulate") is to publicly express one's sorrow on the occasion of the death of someone outside one's own immedidate family.
3. Dào 悼 is to publicly bemoan any major disaster regarding a person, including serious disease or serious accidents.
4. Kū 哭 (ant. xiào 笑 "laugh with joy") is often used as a generalised verb referring to participation in all sorts of mourning rituals and activities.
5. Āi 哀 refers to engaging in mourning primarily for a near relative, but the word also has common extending meanings where it extends to any kind of grief. See GRIEF.