Taxonomy of meanings for 奧:  

  • 奧 ào (OC: quuɡs MC: ʔɑu) 烏到切 去 廣韻:【深也内也主也藏也爾雅曰西南隅謂之奥烏到切十一 】
    • HOT
      • vibe warm
      • viSHU, preface: profound, obscure (meaning)
    • SEAT
      • nseat in the south-west corner of the house, which is the seat of honour with the household shrine
    • CORNER
      • nthe south-west corner of the houseLZ
    • HOST
      • DEEP
        • SECRET
          • mystical secret ofCH
          • vadNsecretCH
        • DEITIES
          • GOOD
            • MOUNTAINS
              • RIVERS
                • = 燠
                • = 澳
                • = 墺
                • = 䐿

                Additional information about 奧


                • OBSCURE

                  1. The current general word for mysteriousness is xuán 玄.

                  2. Miào 妙 adds to the notion of mysteriousness that of intricacy and felicity of structure.

                  3. Ào 奧 emphasises the recondite obscurity and supernatural links of the mysterious.