Taxonomy of meanings for 君子:  

    • NPnonreferentialthe person of elevated social status 與野人相對
    • NPdefinitethe gentlemen (of a certain time or place) 其君子
    • NPindefinitecommendatory/honorific: members of the ruling class; men of superior rank 君子食其味焉
    • NP{PRED}socialis a member of the ruling class 君子也
    • NPanaphoricthe person of high rank mentioned above; the person in charge>the ruler> my ruler侍坐於君子,君子問更端 often works like a NP[post-N] "my (one and only) lord
    • NPindefinitea person of high rank, a gentleman 侍坐於君子,
    • NPabwordthe word 'junzi' 君子也者,人之成名也。
    • NPadNof the nature of a gentleman, of the nobility of a gentleman
    • VPisocialbelong to the ruling class 君子而不仁
    • NPpost-Nsuperlativemost gentleman-like> most distinguished among the N
    • NPabconceptbeing a gentlemanCH
    • military> OFFICER
        • bureaucratic> OFFICIAL
          • NPpluralofficials of state
        • morally qualified> GOOD
          • NPdefinitethe true gentlemen; the men of noble character (of a certain time or place) [predicate tensed] 古之君子
          • NPindefinitetrue gentlemen, people of moral superior character
          • NPdefinitetrue gentleman 吾先君子
          • NPnonreferentiala true gentleman; a person of superior character; the person of superior character 得見君子者斯可矣。
          • NPabconceptthe notion of a true gentleman; person of superior character 子路問君子
          • NPabactbeing a true gentleman; acting like a gentleman 射有似乎君子
          • NPadNgentlemanly, of the gentlemanly type 女為君子儒
          • NPadNnonreferentialcharacteristic of a true gentleman; in modifying position 君子之道 [NOT: the Way of gentleman X]
          • NPpost-V{NUM}true gentleman;distinguished man of superior character 此六君子者
          • VPiactto behave as a true gentleman, to comport oneself as a true gentleman 其爭也君子
          • VPipsychbe gentlemanly; be high-minded 君子哉!; be superior as a person 不亦君子乎; be worthy of a person of superior character
          • NP{PRED}be a true gentleman
          • NPironicthe "true gentlemen"
          • NPindefinitea true gentleman; a man of character
          • emotionally close> FRIEND
            • NP[post-npro1]definitenoble companion (of the lexically determinate speaker)
            • grammaticalised> YOU
              • NPpronominalyou, sir, of noble character
              • plural> YOU/PLUR
                • NP[post=npro_2]pluralyou gentlemen
    • EGO
      • NPpronominal use(I) a nobleman