Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- PRAISE SPEAK about something GOOD and NOT COMMON in ANOTHER HUMAN, ANIMAL OR THING. (anc: 13/0, child: 4)
- SPEAK ACT so as to USE WORDS FOR SHOWING MEANING.*Speech by speaker X, directed towards audience Y, in order to communicate message Z. (anc: 12/0, child: 32)
- ACT MOVE OR NOT MOVE CONFORMING to one's SELF:own DECIDE:decision. (anc: 11/0, child: 24)
blando gestu at voce gratiam captare. Ubicunqve igitur Adulatio, ibi
1. aliquis placere qvaerens.
2. alicui.
3. blanditijs.
Cuiusmodi blanditiae tribus potissimum modis committuntur......
blandiri is to say what one hopes will be agreeable to one's audience.
adulari is to say what one hopes will be agreeable to one's audience with the added element of self-degradation.
lest' "flattery"
1. WL distinguishes between yu2 諛 "verbal flattery" and cha3n 諂 "flattering behaviour of any kind". The useful third term to introduce would be me4i 媚 which focusses on gesture and attitude, as well as ni4ng 佞 which focusses entirely on skilful and polished rhetorical flattery.
Words (28 items)
諛 yú OC: lo MC: ji̯o 35 Attributions
Yú 諛 focusses on the use of language in "reactive" sycophancy adapting oneself to perceived desires on the part of a superior, and there seem to be no clear examples of non-linguistic sycophancy described as yú 諛.
- Word relations
- Assoc: 阿/FLATTER
E! 阿is vulgar one-sided pandering to the tastes or ideas of superiors in words and also in action, and the word refers also to other forms of partiality and favouritism and is thus more general in application than the other words in the group.
- Syntactic words
- nabactflattery
- nabspeechflattering speech
- v[adN]flatterer, panderer; toady
- vadNtoadying
- vadVin a flattering manner
- vt[oN]engage in flattery, to toady
- vtoNflatter
諂 chǎn OC: khrlomʔ MC: ʈhiɛm 27 Attributions
The current word for flattery is chǎn 諂 and the word refers to all kinds discourse exclusively designed to win favour but also includes ingratiating behaviour of other kinds, as notoriously in LY.
- Word relations
- Conv: 驕/ARROGANT
The most current general word for arrogance of attitude and in behaviour is probably jiāo 驕 (ant.* bēi 卑 "humble in attitude") which refers to an overbearing exaggerated self-confidence and does not essentially involve a negative attitude towards others. [DISPOSITION], [GENERAL], [IMPERSONAL] - Assoc: 讒/SLANDER
Chán 讒 (ant. zàn 贊 "praise justly") refers to popular slander, sometimes by persons without significant political influence.
- Syntactic words
- nabactsycophancy through words or action
- v[adN]sycophant
- vadNsycophantic
- vt[oN]flatter others> engage in sycophancy through words or action
- vtoNcurry favour with (a superior) through sycophancy
佞 nìng OC: neeŋs MC: neŋ 18 Attributions
Nìng 佞 refers to rhetorically skilful sycophancy, and very often the meanings "rhetorically skilful" and "sycophantic" are hard to distinguish in context.
- Word relations
- Assoc: 巧/CRAFTY
Qiǎo 巧 (ant. zhuó 拙 "inept") is very common and emphasises the element of skill involved.
- Syntactic words
- nabactflattery
- v[adN]flatterer; the psychophantic 四佞
- vadNengaging in flattery, sycophantic 佞人
- vadVthrough rhetorically polished flattery
- viactto engage in flattery
- vtoNingratiate oneself through cleverness of speech; shrewd eloquence; glib rhetoric
諂諛 chǎn yú OC: khrlomʔ lo MC: ʈhiɛm ji̯o 16 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactflattery, sycophancy
- VP[adN]the flatterers; the sycophants
- VPadNtoadying; sycophancy, boot-licking
- VPiactengage in flattery of all kinds
- VPt(oN)flatter the contextually determinate object
- VPtoNgo on flattering, keep fawning upon
阿 ā OC: qlaal MC: ʔɑ 13 Attributions
E! 阿is vulgar one-sided pandering to the tastes or ideas of superiors in words and also in action, and the word refers also to other forms of partiality and favouritism and is thus more general in application than the other words in the group.
- Word relations
- Object: 貴/NOBLE
Guì 貴 (ant. jiàn 賤 "of low character") adds to the notion of high social status that of subjectively appreciated nobility of character. [HIGH-DEGREE], [PERSONAL], [SUBJECTIVE] - Assoc: 媚/FLATTER
Mèi 媚 is sycophancy also in words but particularly in attitude, dress and demeanour. - Assoc: 諛/FLATTER
Yú 諛 focusses on the use of language in "reactive" sycophancy adapting oneself to perceived desires on the part of a superior, and there seem to be no clear examples of non-linguistic sycophancy described as yú 諛. - Assoc: 順/FLATTER
- Syntactic words
- nabacttoadying; sycophancy; vulgar pandering
- v[adN]nonreferentialflatterer, sycophant
- vadNflattering, toadying; boot-licking; insinuating, servile
- vt[oN]flatter others> indulge in flattery; engage in flattery
- vtoNflatter, pander to (persons, or 意 "ideas") 阿意
- vtoNpsychflatter (oneself)
媚 mèi OC: mrils MC: mi 11 Attributions
Mèi 媚 is sycophancy also in words but particularly in attitude, dress and demeanour.
- Word relations
- Contrast: 稱/PRAISE
Chēng 稱 (ant. bang 謗"speak ill of behind his back") refers to "honourable mentioning" in public contexts and favourable public assessment of someone. - Assoc: 稱/PRAISE
Chēng 稱 (ant. bang 謗"speak ill of behind his back") refers to "honourable mentioning" in public contexts and favourable public assessment of someone. - Assoc: 阿/FLATTER
E! 阿is vulgar one-sided pandering to the tastes or ideas of superiors in words and also in action, and the word refers also to other forms of partiality and favouritism and is thus more general in application than the other words in the group.
- Syntactic words
- nabactsycophancy
- vt+prep+N(manage to) please through an affable appearance, curry favour with; beguile
- vt[oN]engage in flattery of others
- vtoNflatter, curry favour with, ingratiate oneself with 虎...媚養己者; beguile, German bezirzen.
- vttoN1.+prep+N2psychingratiate (oneself) through flattery to N2
便辟 pián bì OC: ben peɡ MC: biɛn piɛk
便嬖 pián bì OC: ben peeɡs MC: biɛn pei 5 Attributions
Pián bì 便辟 (ant. zhēng chén 諍臣 "cantankerous or obstreporous minister") is a customary engrained form sycophancy leading to a permanent status of favour with those who are being flattered.
- Syntactic words
- NPagentflatterer
- VPitransitivebe of the kind prone to flattery, be given to flattery
求容 qiú róng OC: ɡu k-loŋ MC: gɨu ji̯oŋ 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPt+prep+Npander to, seek to please
順 shùn OC: ɢjuns MC: ʑʷin 2 Attributions
- Word relations
- Assoc: 阿/FLATTER
E! 阿is vulgar one-sided pandering to the tastes or ideas of superiors in words and also in action, and the word refers also to other forms of partiality and favouritism and is thus more general in application than the other words in the group.
- Syntactic words
- viactflatter people by conforming to their tastes
- vtoNflatter someone by conforming to his tastes; German: jemandem nach der Nase reden
讒諛 chán yú OC: dzroom lo MC: ɖʐɣɛm ji̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VP[adN]pluralthe toadies, the flatterers
道諛 dào yú OC: ɡ-luuʔ lo MC: dɑu ji̯o 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VP[adN]flatterer
阿意 ā yì OC: qlaal qɯɡs MC: ʔɑ ʔɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPiflatter
自嫁於 zì jià yú OC: sblids kraas qa MC: dzi kɣɛ ʔi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNingratiate oneself to GERMAN: "sich anbiedern"
諂人 chǎn rén MC: -- nyin OC: khrlomʔ njin 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPpluralflatterersCH
諂曲 chǎn qū OC: khrlomʔ khoɡ MC: ʈhiɛm khi̯ok 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabflattery HYDCD: 曲意逢迎。
戚施 qī shī OC: skhlɯɯwɡ lʰal MC: tshek ɕiɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPagentperson who always strikes ingratiating poses, a flatterer ???
道人 dào rén MC: dawX nyin OC: ɡ-luuʔ njin 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPsycophantCH
諂者 chǎn zhě OC: khrlomʔ kljaʔ MC: ʈhiɛm tɕɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPflatterers
哫 zú OC: tsoɡ MC: tsi̯ok 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfallter; cajole
蘧除 qú chú OC: rla MC: gi̯ɤ ɖi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPagentcolloquialism: sycophant ???
面諛 miàn yú MC: mjienH yu OC: mens lo 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPadNglib-tongued flatterersCH
承 chéng MC: dzying OC: ɡjɯŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN]flatter superiorsCH
讒諂 chán chǎn MC: -- -- OC: dzroom khrlomʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPadNflattering and sycophanticCH
便僻 pián pì MC: bjien phek OC: ben pheeɡ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NP(= piánbi4 便嬖) flattererLZ
附 fù OC: bos MC: bi̯o 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNingratiate oneself with, enter into close relations with
憸 xiān OC: sqlom MC: siɛm 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vadNflattering; ingratiating; insincere (SHU)
Click here to add pinyin MC: OC: 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPflatterersCH
毗 pí MC: bjij OC: -- 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNflatter in an exaggerated wayCH