Old Chinese Criteria
2. Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good>match>resemble essentially>resemble in appearance only" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [ 不如 always: "be not as good as"]
3. Ruò 若 typically expresses a symmetrical relation of things that are similar to each other. By analogy with rú 如 bù ruò 不若 is often "be not as good as" but sometimes also "not resemble".]
4. Sì 似 and the later and rarer colloquial xiàng 像 are often ungrammaticalised full verbs meaning typically "to resemble in appearance only".
5. Lèi 類 (ant. yì 異 "be different in kind") is originally and prototypically "be of the same kind or category>resemble", but comes to mean more generally "be similar".
Modern Chinese Criteria
似的 shìde is a grammaticalised form referring to resemblance.
相像 (lit) is a less common and more literary word for resemlance.
形似 (lit) focusses on resemblance of external form.
貌似 (lit) focusses on resemblance of appearance.
跟... 一般 focusses on sameness of category.
近似 focusses on closeness of similarity.
相近 refers to similarity figuratively, as mutual closeness.
切近 refers figuratively to close similarity, as closeness.
近乎 refers to similarity figuratively as closeness to something.
接近 refers to similarity figuratively as closely linked closeness to something.
近於 refers to similarity figuratively as closeness to something.
相仿 refers to approximative similarity.
類似 refers to categorial similarity.
類乎 (lit) refers to being similar on grounds of belonging to the same category.
八九不離十 (prov) refers to overwhelming similarity or near-identity.
類 (cl)
似 (cl)
rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
Old Chinese Contrasts
愛如父 would be ambiguous: 1. love like a father does (a child); 2. love like (a child) does a father.
如故 "as before"
- Novyj objasnitel'nyj Slovar' Sinonimov Russkogo Jazyka
615; 807 - A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages
BUCK 1988)
12.92 - De Rerum Humanarum Emendatione
461 ANALOGIA Ideatorum plurium ad suam ideam congruentia. Analogia ergo dicit
1. Ideam qvandam.
2. Ideata plura.
3. Congruentiam debitam inter ea.
Ax. 1. Analogia est clavis totius humane et divinae sapientiae, reserans (open up) intellectum in omes Artes, Lingvas, Verbaque et Opera Dei et Hominum.
- Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien
pariter "to the same degree"
aequaliter "in the same manner"
par is alike.
paralis is almost alike.
similis is just similar.
par is alike and construes similarity from one angle only, from the angle of one of the things compared.
compar is mutually alike.
- Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques
DUFOUR 1910)
75 - 韓非子同義詞研究
113 - Woerterbuch der Philosophie. Neue Beitraege zu einer Kritik der Sprache
- Woerterbuch der Philosophie. Neue Beitraege zu einer Kritik der Sprache
I.21 - Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie
RITTER 1971-2007)
1.114 - Handbuch der lateinischen und griechischen Synonymik
105 - Using Chinese Synonyms
50 - Using Chinese Synonyms
GIRARD 1769)
- 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典
444 - Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung
FRANKE 1989)
如 rú OC: nja MC: ȵi̯ɤ 254 AttributionsWD
Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good as> resemble" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [不如 always: "be not as good as"]
- Word relations
- Synon: 猶 / 由/RESEMBLE
The general, almost copula-like word for resemblance of any kind is yóu 猶 (ant.* yì 異 "be different"), and this word can refer specifically to one item being "no better than" another.
- 簡明古漢語同義詞詞典
- Syntactic words
- vt(0)onpro.adS如此則動心否乎?if (circumstances, things) are like npro, then S
- vt0oN.postVmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
- vt[0]oN.postadV堅如石"be solid like a stone" 隕如雨"fall like rain" resemble an N in Vi-ing
- vt[0]oN1.postadVtoN2N1 compared to object N2養民如子"nourish the people like/as you would your own children": like (comparison being with the V-ing of N2, the object of the preceding transitive verb with the V-ing of N1)
- vt[0]oN1.postadVtoN2N1 compared to subject of VtoN2蓋之如天"cover them like Heaven": resemble an N in Vt-ing: to Vt the object like the like the object of Vt1.
- vt[0]oN:postad.VPad者N compared with respect to VP-ing知我者如夫子"someone who understands me as the Master does": N resembles the subject of the VP with respect to VP-ing [Puzzling structure! 待考]CH
- vt[0]oNPab{S}.postadV事之如孝子之養父母"serve him like a filial son looking after his parents": verb like the subject of NPab{S} is verbing in SCH
- vtoN.adV如農夫之務去草"like a peasant making it his business to remove weeds": like
- vtoN.postadV如初, 如故 like (before)
- vtoN.postNPab{S}N compared to SUBJ of S人之心不同如其面焉"The minds of men are as different as their faces": the PREDICATING of the subject of S is like that PREDICATING of N> be like [待考]CH
- vtoN1.postadN2有雲如眾赤鳥 being like N2
- vtoN1[.adN2]如虎之室"something like the dwelling of a tiger": something like N1, anything like N1CH
- vtoNabNab=actbe like Nab-ing, resemble Nab-ingCH
- vtoNbe like that of心如虎狼"His heart is like that of a tiger or a wolf": be like that of; be like that in the time of
- vtoNobjective appearance民如野鹿“The people are like wild deer": be like, look like, act like (what) 何如
- vtoNPab{S}如日月之食焉 resemble a fact, situation or action expressed by a nominalised sentence
- vtoNPab{V}objective其如示諸斯乎"It is like showing it here": it is (objectively) like V-ingCH
- vtonpro.+NPab{S}如此其VERB
- vtoNsubjective impression於我如浮雲"It is like floating clouds to me": be like, amount to
- vtoS如土委地 resemble a fact, situation or action expressed by a sentence
- vtoV1.postadV2V1 the same way as V2好德如好色 in the same way as
- vtoV[0]subjective如挾纊"feel as if they were quilted garments": feel as if
若 ruò OC: njaɡ MC: ȵi̯ɐk 137 AttributionsWD
Ruò 若 typically expresses a symmetrical relation of things that are similar to each other. [不若sometimes: "not resemble".]
- Word relations
- Assoc: 譬/RESEMBLE
- Syntactic words
- vt+N.ad者(those) who are like NCH
- vt[0]oN.postadVobject安之若命"put up with it as with fate":like the (syntactic object) N
- vt[0]oN.postadVsubject操舟如神“handled the boat like a spirit":(V) like the subject N; as competently as the subject N
- vto.N1(adN2)be like N1's contextually determinate feature N2LZ
- vtoN.adVlike; to the extent of (something)
- vtoN.ad然like N, soCH
- vtoN.postadV君子之交淡如水“Social interactions of a true gentleman are tepid like water": to V like an NCH
- vtoN1.adN2resembling 若此人
- vtoNab若形之於影“be like the relation of the shadow to the body": be like NabCH
- vtoNmain verbbe like, act like; resemble; resemble that of N
- vtoNreflexive.自resemble (oneself)> be the same as before
- vtoV.ad然resembling someone V-ingCH
- vtoV1.postadV2to V2 in the way one is V1-ing> like, just asCH
- vtoVlook as ifbe like V-ing, look like V-ingCH
似 sì OC: sɢlɯʔ MC: zɨ 119 AttributionsWD
Sì 似 and the later and rarer xiàng 像 are ungrammaticalised full verbs meaning typically "to resemble in appearance only".
- Syntactic words
- nabfeaturesimilarity 有似於
- npost-Nwhat resembles N, the likes of N
- v[adN]similar things
- vadNsimilar
- vt(oN)resemble something contextually determinate
- vt+prep+Nin appearanceresemble
- vt+prep+Nin essenceresembleCH
- vt+V1.postadV2V2 as if V1-ing
- vt[0]oN.adVsubjects comparedV resembling in so doing the NCH
- vtoN.adVlike
- vtoNabrelational似不之也"is like not understanding it": resembleCH
- vtoNfigurative, actfunction like; behave like, act like; resemble [be simliar in one's actions, effects and/or achievements]
- vtoNin appearance子期似王"Ziqi resembled the king": look like; be similar in appearance
- vtoNin essenceresemble (in essence), be like, have the qualities ofCH
- vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
猶 yóu OC: k-lu MC: jɨu
由 yóu OC: liw MC: jɨu 72 AttributionsWD
The general, almost copula-like word for resemblance of any kind is yóu 猶 (ant.* yì 異 "be different"), and this word can refer specifically to one item being "no better than" another.
- Word relations
- Assoc: 譬/RESEMBLE
- Synon: 如/RESEMBLE
Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good as> resemble" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [不如 always: "be not as good as"]
- Syntactic words
- vt0oN.postadVcopula利猶干將"be sharp like the Ganjiang sword": (to V) just like (something or somebody else)
- vtoN古猶今也“The present is like the past": copula-like verb: be just like
- vtoN1.postvt(oN2)to verb the understood object N2 like an N1CH
- vtoNfigurativemay be (usefully) compared toCH
- vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
- vtoNPab{S}copulabe just like S (which may have an omitted but understood subject)
- vtoNPab{V[0]}copula是猶使蚊負山"this is like ordering a mosquito to bear a mountain on its back": be like V-ing; be as if V-ing
- vtoS(it) is like the SUBJECT VERB-ingCH
- vtoV/Nabbe like V-ingCH
如是 rú shì OC: nja ɡljeʔ MC: ȵi̯ɤ dʑiɛ 63 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- NPabstativethis kind of situation; this kind of state
- NPabtextwhat is as follows> the following text
- VPadNsuch a, this kind of
- VPadSAnd in this way...
- VPadS1.postS2such being the case (as defined in S2), S1; in this way S
- VPadVto this extent, in this way
- VPadVcataphoricas follows 如是我聞
- VPibe like this, be such; be in such a state
- VPi+N{SUBJ}the N is like this
- VPi.redintensitiveREDUP: Indeed, it is like this! That's how it is!
- VPpostadNsuch a
- VPpostadVV like this
- VPpostadVcataphoricas follows
譬若 pì ruò OC: pheɡs njaɡ MC: phiɛ ȵi̯ɐk 38 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+prep+NPab{V}be like V-ingCH
- VPtoNmay be properly compared with
- VPtoN.-然be like NCH
- VPtoN1.postN2{SUBJ}+V{PRED}N1 compared to subject of N2like N2CH
- VPtoNPab{S}be comparable to the situation described in SCH
- VPtoNPab{V}be like V-ingCH
- VPtoSSbe like the cases of the sentences SSCH
- VPtt(oN1).+N2imperative/suggestivecompare the understood N1 to N2!CH
譬如 pì rú OC: pheɡs nja MC: phiɛ ȵi̯ɤ 31 AttributionsWD
when one compares [it] [it] is like N
- Syntactic words
- VPt(0)oSSTake for example the situation elaborated in the paragraph SS; It is like the situation SS [One could read this as VPt[0]oSS, taking the comparer to be lexically determinate: "one".]
- VPtoNmay be properly compared to, be comparable to the case of (typically but not always with understood subject)
- VPtoNab{VP}譬如為山"It is like building up a mound": It is like V-ingCH
- VPtoNPab{S}may be properly compared with S
如此 rú cǐ OC: nja tsheʔ MC: ȵi̯ɤ tshiɛ 27 AttributionsWD
- Word relations
- Synon: 若是/RESEMBLE
- Syntactic words
- VPadNsuch; related (matters etc)
- VPiactact like this> do such a thing, act thus
- VPpostadVlike this 醉如此
然 rán OC: njen MC: ȵiɛn 22 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vi(0)post-.VtoNas in 若天地然
- vi.postS{SUBJ}be like this situation/case> be like the case of SCH
- vi{=vt+npro}to be so, to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate)
- vi{=vt+npro}actbe like this> be the case
- vt(oN)causativecause contextually determinate object to be soLZ
- vt(oNpro)be like the contextually determinate NproCH
- vtoNcausativecause to be so
- vtoNreflexive.自cause oneself to be so
爾 ěr OC: mljelʔ MC: ȵiɛ 22 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vadVso, to such an extent; like this
- viactget this to work; get things to be like this
- vi{=vt+npro}to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate) cf. 然
若是 ruò shì OC: njaɡ ɡljeʔ MC: ȵi̯ɐk dʑiɛ 20 AttributionsWD
- Word relations
- Synon: 如此/RESEMBLE
- Syntactic words
- VP NPab{S}{SUBJECT}the S was like thisCH
- VPibe like thisLZ
- VPpostadVlike this
猶如 yóu rú OC: k-lu nja MC: jɨu ȵi̯ɤ 19 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+N.postadVreference=objectlike (comparing the object)
- VPtoNresemble; be like
- VPtoNab{VP}be like VPingCH
有似於 yǒu sì yú MC: hjuwX ziX 'jo OC: ɢʷɯʔ sɢlɯʔ qaCH 18 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNbear resemblance toCH
- VPtoNPab{S}be comparable to the situation as described in SCH
與摩 yǔ mó OC: k-laʔ maal MC: ji̯ɤ mʷɑ
與 yǔ OC: k-laʔ MC: ji̯ɤ 16 AttributionsWD
- 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods
421 這樣,如此
This word is extremely frequent in ZTJ
- Syntactic words
- VPadNcolloquialsuch a; this kind of [
- VPadVcolloquialin such a way, like this, in this manner
- VPicolloquialto be so, to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate)
- VPpostS1.adS2conditionalif it is like this (as defined in S1) (then) S2
若茲 ruò zī MC: nyae tsi OC: njaɡ --CH 13 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- NPabbeing like thisCH
- VPadVlike thisCH
- VPibe as described, be suchCH
- VPiactact like thisCH
- VPpostadVlike thisCH
類 lèi OC: ruds MC: li 12 AttributionsWD
Lèi 類 (ant. yì 異 "be different in kind") is originally and prototypically "be of the same kind or category", but comes to mean more generally "be of similar appearance".
- Word relations
- Contrast: 等/EQUAL
Děng 等 refers to things being on the same physical level or exposed to the same physical conditions.
- Syntactic words
- v[adN]similar person
- vadVsometimes grammaticalised: as if
- vt(oN)be similar to the contextually determinate thing
- vt+prep+Nbe silimar to N, be of the same kind as NLZ
- vt[oN]resemble; be similar
- vtoNoften abstract and technical vt: look like, merely appear to be; be similar in basic kind; resemble
- vtoNimperativebecome like N!
- vtoNin essence(come to) resemble in appearance and natureCH
有似 yǒu sì OC: ɢʷɯʔ sɢlɯʔ MC: ɦɨu zɨ 11 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+prep+Nstativehave a similarity to (perhaps for 有所似於)
譬諸 pì zhū OC: pheɡs klja MC: phiɛ tɕi̯ɤ 11 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPi[0]ad.VtoN譬諸若
- VPt[0]+N.adScompared to
- VPt[0]+Nstativemay be properly/usefully compared to; One may compare the thing to N. be like like (often preceded by what we take to be a topic rather than a subject, which is picked up referentially by the 之 hidden in 諸)
- VPtoNmay be properly compared toCH
相似 xiāng sì OC: sqaŋ sɢlɯʔ MC: si̯ɐŋ zɨ 10 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- NPabresemblance, likeness, similarity
- VPadNonly apparent (and not real) 相似覺 "only apparent enlightenment"
- VPi2be similar to each otherDS
- VPtoNresemble 與x相似
- VPtpostadSCHECK construction?? resemble S; be like S (如。。。相似)
譬猶 pì yóu OC: pheɡs k-lu MC: phiɛ jɨu 10 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt(0)oN(this) may be properly compared with
- VPtoSIt is like SCH
- VPtoVis like V-ingCH
同 tóng OC: looŋ MC: duŋ 9 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vadVsimilarly
- vi2be (relevantly) similar to each otherCH
- vt+prep+Nbear a resemblance to
- the same
- vtoNresemble with respect to NCH
- vtoNbe reminiscent ofCH
- vtoNpassivepassive causative: get assimilatedLZ
- vtoNstativeit is like N-ing
若是其 ruò shì qí OC: njaɡ ɡljeʔ ɡɯ MC: ȵi̯ɐk dʑiɛ gɨ 8 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPadVlike this, as V as this
比 bǐ OC: piʔ MC: pi 7 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcopulabe like, be along the same lines as
- vttoN1.+N2causativecause (oneself) to resemble a man of superior character
- vttoN1.+prep+N2to be just like (something), succeed in reaching a standard (of something)
象 xiàng OC: sɢlaŋʔ MC: zi̯ɐŋ 5 AttributionsWD
Sì 似 and the later and rarer xiàng 像 are ungrammaticalised full verbs meaning typically "to resemble in appearance only".
- Syntactic words
- vtoN.adVV like an NCH
- vtoNstativebe in accordance with (e.g. virtue); be on the model of
乃爾 nǎi ěr OC: nɯɯʔ mljelʔ MC: nəi ȵiɛ 5 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPibe like this
- VPpostadVlike this
何如 hé rú OC: ɡlaal nja MC: ɦɑ ȵi̯ɤ 5 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPi(0).postSWhat would S resemble> how about the situation if S?CH
- VPiquestionHow about?
- VPpostNab{ACT}What is the act of Nab-ing like> How about the act of Nab-ing?CH
喻如 yù rú OC: los nja MC: ji̯o ȵi̯ɤ 5 AttributionsWD
- 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods
- Syntactic words
- VPt+N.postSS is comparable to N
- VPtoNbe comparable to (> resemble)
- VPtoS1.postS2S2 is comparable to S1
譬 pì OC: pheɡs MC: phiɛ 4 AttributionsWD
- Word relations
- Assoc: 猶 / 由/RESEMBLE
The general, almost copula-like word for resemblance of any kind is yóu 猶 (ant.* yì 異 "be different"), and this word can refer specifically to one item being "no better than" another. - Assoc: 若/RESEMBLE
Ruò 若 typically expresses a symmetrical relation of things that are similar to each other. [不若sometimes: "not resemble".]
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nresemble
- vtoNbe comparable to
亦如 yì rú OC: k-laɡ nja MC: jiɛk ȵi̯ɤ 4 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNbe just like N
- vtoNbe analogous to, be structurally the same asCH
也 yě MC: dzyoX OC: lalʔCH 4 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- ppostadN{PRED}metaphorical仲尼日月也"Confucius is like the sun and the moon": marking metaphorical nominal predication: "be like"CH
若此 ruò cǐ MC: nyae tshjeX OC: njaɡ tsheʔ 4 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPadNresembling this> suchCH
- VPpostadVin this way like thisDS
並 bìng OC: beeŋʔ MC: beŋ 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nstativebe on a par with
- vtoNbe on a par with
由 yóu OC: liw MC: jɨu 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vt+V[0]copulabe like V; be essentially the same as V; be not better or more difficult than V
- vtoNPab{S}copulabe like, be just like (of two facts) for 猶
- vtoScopulabe like S (where S is not nominalised), be just like (of two facts) for 猶
配 pèi OC: phɯɯls MC: phuo̝i 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNlive up to the standards of
- vtoNstativeresemble
如似 rú sì OC: nja sɢlɯʔ MC: ȵi̯ɤ zɨ 3 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNstativeresembe, be like
肖 xiào OC: smews MC: siɛu 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNchangeget to resemble; live up to the standards of
只寧 zhǐ níng OC: kljeʔ neeŋ MC: tɕiɛ neŋ 2 AttributionsWD
- 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods
447 glossed as 這麼;如此
ZTJ: F: 4
see also 只麼 (F: 6) and 只沒 (F: 2)
- Syntactic words
- VPito be so, to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate)
只沒 zhǐ mò OC: kljeʔ mɯɯd MC: tɕiɛ muot 2 AttributionsWD
- 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods
- Syntactic words
- VPadVcolloquiallike this, in this way (appears also in BIANWEN)
如然 rú rán OC: nja njen MC: ȵi̯ɤ ȵiɛn 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPitransitiveto be so, to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate)
如許 rú xǔ OC: nja hŋaʔ MC: ȵi̯ɤ hi̯ɤ 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPadNsuch; such a kind of
- VPadVso (many)
恰似 qià sì OC: khroob sɢlɯʔ MC: khɣɛp zɨ 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPt+V[0]be likely to V
猶若 yóu ruò OC: k-lu njaɡ MC: jɨu ȵi̯ɐk 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNbe like, be like the case of
云 yún OC: ɢun MC: ɦi̯un 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vibe like this
如彼 rú bǐ MC: nyo pjeX OC: nja pralʔLZ 2 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPibe like thatLZ
以 yǐ OC: k-lɯʔ MC: jɨ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- DELETEbehave like (a scoundrel etc)
復 fù OC: buɡ MC: buk 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcorrespond to, resemble
許 xǔ OC: hŋaʔ MC: hi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vpostadN-like, -size
近 jìn OC: ɡɯnʔ MC: gɨn 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfigurativebe figuratively close to> be closely similar to, be similar to
任摩 rèn mó OC: njɯms maal MC: ȵim mʷɑ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPicolloquialbe like this, be such, be the case
作是 zuò shì OC: tsaaɡ ɡljeʔ MC: tsɑk dʑiɛ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPadVlike this [see KARASHIMA 2001, who argues that this frequent idiom looks as if it has be taken in many instances not as "make this..." but as "like this" (=如是).
儔類 chóu lèi OC: du ruds MC: ɖɨu li 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- NPsubjectthe like; the likes
如其 rú qí OC: nja ɡɯ MC: ȵi̯ɤ gɨ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- PPdiscontinuous如X 其 Xwise; in the manner of X;
形像 xíng xiàng OC: ɡeeŋ sɢlaŋʔ MC: ɦeŋ zi̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- NPimage, representation
- VPi2resemle each other 貌似
是其 shì qí OC: ɡljeʔ ɡɯ MC: dʑiɛ gɨ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- NPpro.adNresembling> such
欲似 yù sì OC: k-loɡ sɢlɯʔ MC: ji̯ok zɨ 1 AttributionWD
- 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods
- Syntactic words
- VPt+NPab{S}resemble S, be comparable to S (Tang period: WANGFANZHI, YOUXIANKU)
- VPtoNresemble (Tang period: WANGFANZHI, YOUXIANKU)
比並 bǐ bìng OC: piʔ beeŋʔ MC: pi beŋ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- NPabresemblance, common feature
為如 wéi rú OC: ɢʷal nja MC: ɦiɛ ȵi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresemble; be like
譬之如 pì zhī rú OC: pheɡs kljɯ nja MC: phiɛ tɕɨ ȵi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresemble, be like
如此其 rú cǐ qí MC: nyo tshjeX gi OC: nja tsheʔ ɡɯLZ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPadVlike this, so muchLZ
譬之若 pì zhī ruò MC: phjieH tsyi nyae OC: pheɡs kljɯ njaɡCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoV[0]is to be compared to, is similar to V-ingCH
相類 xiāng lèi MC: sjang lwijH OC: sqaŋ rudsCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPi2be similarCH
乎 hū MC: hu OC: ɢaaLZ 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vt[0]oN.postadVto V like N (very rare, possibly archaic)LZ
幾希 jī xī MC: kj+j xj+j OC: kɯl qhlɯlCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPi0be only slightly differentCH
相近 xiāng jìn MC: sjang gj+nX OC: sqaŋ ɡɯnsCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- VPi2be closely similar to each otherCH
猶是 yóu shì MC: yuw dzyeX OC: k-lu ɡljeʔCH 1 AttributionWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNbe as described, be thusCH
像 xiàng OC: sɢlaŋʔ MC: zi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNSHIJI be externally similar, be similar in appearance (as a shadow to the body of which it is the shadow
就 jiù OC: dzuɡs MC: dzɨu 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtpost-.VtoNbe close to in essence
方 fāng OC: paŋ MC: pi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nresemble
劇如 jù rú OC: ɡlaɡ nja MC: gɣɛk ȵi̯ɤ 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNbe very much like
和合 hé hé OC: ɡool ɡloob MC: ɦʷɑ ɦəp 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
宜若 yí ruò OC: ŋɡral njaɡ MC: ŋiɛ ȵi̯ɐk 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNMENG: be similar
成 chéng OC: djeŋ MC: dʑiɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNin medicine: amount to> resemble
能 néng OC: nɯɯŋ MC: nəŋ 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vadVlike this, in this way (Yuan Drama)
齊 qí OC: dziil MC: dzei 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNrelational
因 yīn OC: qin MC: ʔin 0 AttributionsWD
- Syntactic words
- vtoNbe according to, resemble
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