Taxonomy of meanings for 躋:  

  • 躋 jì (OC: tsiils MC: tsei) 子計切 去 廣韻:【同隮 】
  • 躋 jī (OC: ʔsliil MC: tsei) 祖稽切 平 廣韻:【登也𦫵也又音霽 】
      • vichangeascend> advance
    • ASCEND
      • viactto ascend
      • vtoNascend ceremoniously
      • vtoNto advance; to raise in position; to give hierarchical priority to
    • STEEP
      • viascend> be steep
      • TREAD ON
        • FALL
          • LAMP

            Additional information about 躋

            說文解字: 【躋】,登也。从足、齊聲。《商書》曰:予顚躋。 【祖雞切】

            • ASCEND






              1. Shēng 升 (ant. jiàng 降 "descend") is perhaps the most general word dedicated to the meaning of "going up", and the word often has a literary, dignified flavour.

              [GENERAL]; [[BASIC]], [[CURRENT]]

              2. Shàng 上 (ant. xià 下 "descend"), on the basis of the general meaning "above", comes to refer to the moving to the position on top of or above something else, and the word has no elevated literary flavour.

              [GENERAL]; [[CURRENT]], [[DERIVED]]

              3. Dēng 登 refers to one entering a vehicle or moving onto a higher surface of any kind, typically (but not always) in a dignified manner.

              [ELEVATED!]; [[CURRENT+]]

              4 Pān 攀 refers to an arduous movement across difficult terrain to a higher position, supporting oneself by objects that one can hold on to as one is moving upwards.

              [DIFFICULT+], [LITERAL]; [[BASIC]], [[CURRENT]]

              5. Yuán 緣 refers to an often arduous movement in difficult "terrain" and guided by certain features of that terrain.

              [DIFFICULT]; [[DERIVED]]

              6. Chéng 乘 refers to the mounting of a vehicle, specifically.

              [SPECIFIC]; [[CURRENT]]

              7. Jī 躋 refers to ascending a burial mound as part of ritual.

              [ARCHAIC], [SPECIFIC]; [[RARE]]

              8. Zhì 陟 "poetic: scale a mountain" (ant. jiàng 降 "descend") is a rare archaising words with highly restricted usage.

              [ARCHAIC], [SPECIFIC]; [[RARE]]

              9. Jí 即 (ant.* xùn 遜 "resign a ruler's position", or perhaps also shàn 禪 "resign the throne") is always metaphorically "ascend (the throne)".

              [SPECIFIC]; [[CURRENT]], [[DERIVED]]