Taxonomy of meanings for 恃:  

  • 恃 shì (OC: ɡljɯʔ MC: dʑɨ) 時止切 上 廣韻:【依也賴也 】
    • OLD LADY
      • npost-Han: mother
    • RELY ON
      • vt+prep+Nrely on N
      • vtoNrely on (what one holds in one's hands or more abstractly has); depend on; rely on the help of
      • vtoNpassivebe relied on 可恃
      • vtoNpsychrely upon (oneself)
      • vtoNreflexive.自rely on onself > be confident
      • vtoNPab{S}put one's confidence in that, rely on (something happening)
      • vtoSrely on the fact that S
    • MOTHER
      • ARROGANT
        • = 持

      Additional information about 恃

      說文解字: 【恃】,賴也。从心、寺聲。 【時止切】

      • LEAN ON

        1. The current abstract word for leaning on anything for any purpose is yī 依.

        2. Fú 扶 typically refers to leaning on something so as to remain upright or walk safely.

        3. Zhàng 仗 refers to leaning sideways on small objects like swords or canes as a demonstrative act.

        4. Píng 憑 refers to leaning on something for general stablility.

        5. Jù 據 refers to leaning forward to use something as support.

        6. Shì 恃 is sometimes used in a rather abstract and colourless way to refer to using something as physical support.

        7. Yǐ 倚 is occasionally used interchangeably with yī 依 (with which it is interdefined in SHUOWEN, but the word typically refers to leaning against something rather than vertically on it.

      • RELY ON

        1. The general term for relying on something with confidence is yīn 因.

        2. Yī 依 refers to dependence and reliance on something which may be deliberate or non-deliberate.

        3. Běn 本 refers to an abstract often almost metaphysical or logical dependence on something.

        4. Dài 待 refers to logical dependence on something

        5. Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.

        6. Yǎng 仰 typically refers to hopeful reliance on a superior.

        7. Chéng 乘 refers to manifest deliberate reliance on some external condition for the furthering of one's own plans.

        8. Jiè 藉 / 借 and jiǎ 假 refer to availing oneself of conveniently available outside things for one's own purposes.

        9. Jì 寄 and tuō 託 refer to entrusting oneself to others and thus relying on them.

        10. Shì 恃 and the rare hù 怙 refer to reliance on a typically hidden basic resource or factor.