Taxonomy of meanings for 鄰 / 隣:  

  • 鄰 lín (OC: rin MC: lin) 力珍切 平 廣韻:【近也親也説文曰五家爲鄰俗作隣 】
      • nZHOULI: five families constituting a neighbourhood, according HSWZ eight families
    • exocentric>NEIGHBOUR
      • nneighbour
      • nstateneighbouring state
      • nfigurativeassociated elements
      • nadNneighbouring 
      • vt+prep+Nbe neighbour to N
      • vt[oN]fail to act as a proper neighbour to neighbours
      • n{PRED}be a neighbour
      • NPpluralneighbours, people living in the vicinity (Note that lín-shè 鄰舍 are not necessarily neighbours in the strict sense, but lín-rén 鄰人 were originally persons belonging to the same lín 鄰 which was a census unit during the Tang. A lín consisted of four families (a bǎo 保 of five families); see WU MAOPING 2001: 440.
      • feature>NEAR
        • vadNneighbouring; adjacent
        • vt1post.vt2oNget close to
        • vtoNstativebe neighbour to, be next to
        • social>INTIMATE
          • vtoNbe on intimate terms with ZUO 鄰于君
          • exocentric: close to ruler>MINISTER
            • emotional>FRIEND
              • nsympathiser, person of similar though not identical convictions
      • =燐
      • =磷
    • 鄰 lin4《集韻》良刃切,去震來。

      Additional information about 鄰



        1. The standard word for a neighbour is lín 鄰.

        2. Xiàng rén 巷人 refers to street neighbours.

        3. Xiāng rén 鄉人 refers to fellow villagers.

        4. Sì lín 四鄰 refers to all one's neighbours on all sides.

      • NEAR

        1. The dominant general word is jìn 近 (ant. yuǎn 遠 "far") which refers to any concrete or abstract proximity in space, time or quality.

        2. Jī 幾 typically refers to an abstract closeness or relatedness with relates neither to space nor to time.

        3. Pò 迫 and "precariously close" refer to spatial proximity of a potentially dangerous kind.

        4. Bó 薄 "very close" refers to spatial proximity primarily but is occasionally used in transferred metaphorical senses to refer to abstract proximity.

        5. Lín 鄰 is permanent geographical proxity.

        6. Eψ 邇 is an archaic and elevated general term for closeness.

        7. Proximity to a city can be expressed by the "postposiiton" xià 下.

      • VILLAGE

        1. The current general word for a village of any kind is lǐ 里. But note that this word even more often refers to city neighbourhoods.

        2. Xiāng 鄉 as an administrative term refers to a fairly non-urban neighbourhood area which will normally include several lǐ 里. ZHOULI and Han commentators arbitrarily define this as containing 12 500 families; when used informally, the term refers to a person's home or the vicinity where he lives, as in xiāng rén 鄉人.

        3. Lu �閭 refers generally to a narrowly defined neighbourhood area in the countryside, or a small neighbourhood in a conurbation. Han commentators do not quantify the number of inhabitants.

        4. Lín 鄰 refers to the administrative unit of a "neighbourhood". Traditionally, this was quantified as containing five or eight families.

        Word relations
      • Epithet: (NEIGHBOUR)國/STATE The dominant word is guó 國, and the word naturally focusses on the capital which defines the identity of the state, but from Warring States times the word does refer to the whole of the territory, as the term guó xiāo 國削 "the state was truncated" shows.
      • Epithet: (NEIGHBOUR)四/EVERYWHERE Sì 四 can refer to the totality of a quadruplet of things. >>ADNOMINAL; COLLECTIVE
      • Relat: (NEIGHBOUR)孤/LONELY Gū 孤 (ant. zhòng 眾 "as a large group", but this lacks the emotional nuance of the counterpart) tends to connote feelings of loneliness and/or of being bereaved or suffering under the absence of associates in the place where one is. [NEGATIVE+]