Taxonomy of meanings for 諾:  

  • 諾 nuò (OC: naaɡ MC: nɑk) 奴各切 入 廣韻:【説文譍也奴各切一 】
    • AGREE TO
      • nabactsaying: yes! (reduplicated) rare
      • vt(oN)agree to do the contextually determinate thing, say yes 唯而不諾
      • vt[0](oN)(Said by superior) [I hereby] approve [this]. All right! (Said by inferior) Yes!
      • vt+prep+Nexpress one's agreement with
      • vt.postvtoN{OBJ}agree with
      • vt(oN)take even the time to say yesCH
    • OBEY
      • vt(oN)obey the contextually determinate instruction N
      • vtoNcausativecause N to aquiesce in one's plansCH
      • nabacta promise
      • vt(+V[0])make a promise to do a contextually determinate thing
      • vt[0]+V[0]I promise that I shall V
      • vt+V[0]make a promise (typically as an inferior)
    • YES
      • WRITE
        • SURNAMES

          Additional information about 諾

          說文解字: 【諾】,𧭭也。从言、若聲。 【奴各切】

          • PROMISE

            1. The general word for agreeing and undertaking to do something, after having been asked to do so, is xǔ 許, but the word applies only to superiors.

            2. Nuò 諾 refers to a solicited undertaking typically by an inferior, but occasionally also by a superior.

            3. Yǔn 允 "agree to" is typically a solicited promise from a superior.

            4. Yán 言 refers to a typically somewhat formal speech act by which a person commits himself to a future action. Compare 言而有信 "keep faith when one has promised something".

          • AGREE TO






            1. Nuò 諾 (ant. yǐ 已 "be unwilling") expresses a general agreement to do what is asked of one, and this is the most common word which can be used both by superiors and by inferiors when expressing agreement.

            [EXPLICIT], [FORMAL], [REACTIVE]

            2. Wéi 唯 (ant. fǒu 否 "refuse") expresses an unquestioning agreement directed at superiors to do what is asked of one.concerning a major undertaking by means of a mutual promise.


            3. Qī 期 refers to the entering into a typically non-hierarchical agreement concerning any form of common action by means of a mutual promise.


            4. Yuē 約 refers to the entering into a voluntary binding agreement of any kind between equals.


            5. Kěn 肯 (ant. jù (ér bù shòu) 拒(而不受 ) "refuse to accede to a request") refers to a willingness to do what one might refuse to do.

            [IMPLICIT], [MENTAL]

            6. Cóng 從 "do as one is told" (ant. cí 辭 "refuse") can refer to an agreement by a superior to do as is being suggested by an inferior rather than the obeying itself. See OBEY


          • OBEY

            1. The most current general word for obedience is probably cóng 從 (ant. jù 拒 "refuse to carry out an order"), which refers literally to the following of orders on particular occasions, and more generally to showing obedience to a person.

            2. Shùn 順 (ant. nì 逆 "refuse to conform") can refer to the conforming with a standard set by someone or an intention someone has.

            3. Fú 服 (ant. jiàng 強 "stubbornly refuse") is to submit to higher authority through obedience to its orders, and this submission may be either voluntary or enforced by circumstances.

            4. Tīng 聽 (ant. fú tīng 弗聽 "refuse to listen") refers primarily to following advice from inferiors, but the word is also used for being mindful of an order one has heard so as to carry it out.

            5. Nuò 諾 (ant. fǒu 否 "refuse to comply") is to declare an intention to do as one is told when one normally has no alternative but to obey.