Taxonomy of meanings for 誡:  

  • 誡 jiè (OC: krɯɯɡs MC: kɯæi) 古拜切 去 廣韻:【言警也古拜切二十三 】
      • vibe cautious
      • vtoNguard against mishap
    • WARN
      • vtoNwarn and instruct, admonish
      • nabactwarning; warnings; admonitions, words of advice 
      • vtoN.+Vadmonish someone and say:...
      • vtoNpsychadmonish (oneself)
      • vtoNobject=dangerous thingsgive admonisments concerning (behaviour, thoughts etc)
      • vtoNtip off N about a possible or imminent dangerCH
      • vt[oN]perform a warning; warn peopleDS
      • RULE
        • COMMAND
          • LITERARY GENRE

            Additional information about 誡

            說文解字: 【誡】,敕也。从言、戒聲。 【古拜切】

            • WARN

              1. The current general word for a warning, specific or non-specific, is jǐng 警.

              2. Jiè 誡 / 戒 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage") refers specifically to a warning against a certain explicitly specified course of action. The direction of this warning is downwards.

              3. Chéng 懲 adds the element of reproof and criticism to that of warning against continued unacceptable action.

              4. Guī 規 refers to a warning which draws attention to the general lawful or proper course of action. The direction of this type of warning can be upwards or downwards.

              5. Zhēn 箴 is an archaic word referring to formal remonstration. The direction of this warning is upwards.

              Word relations