Taxonomy of meanings for 羹:  

  • 羹 gēng (OC: kraaŋ MC: kɯaŋ) 古行切 平 廣韻:【古文羹 】
  • 羹 gēng (OC: kraaŋ MC: kɯaŋ) 古行切 平 廣韻:【羮𦞦爾雅曰肉謂之羮 】
    • SOUP
      • nmthick spiced broth with rice, typically with meat, but the poor would eat what in modern Chinese is 菜羹 which at the time was also called gēng 羹
      • possible ingredient>PICKLED MEAT
        • nmspiced meat with added rice or wheat flour; another common type of gēng 羹 was simply a meat soup made thick by very long boiling
      • action>COOK

      Additional information about 羹

      說文解字: 【𩱧】,五味盉羹也。 〔小徐本「盉」作「和」。〕 从𩰲、从羔。《詩》曰:亦有和𩱧。 〔小徐本「𩱧」作「羹」。〕 【古行切】 【𩱋】,𩱧或省。 【𢑌】,或从美、𩱧省。 〔小徐本作「𩱧或省鬲。」〕 【羹】,小篆从羔、从美。

        Word relations
      • Assoc: (SOUP)食/FOOD The general term for food is shí 食 and this includes food as well as drink and can refer generally to one's livelihood, also to staple foods as opposed to delicacies involving meat, such as kuài 膾 "minced meat, raw".